Sleepy Hollow episode 1 reaction

Sep 23, 2014 00:10


New title sequence. Oh hey. Not sure I like its music.

Wait, or was that just a promo for the new season?

WHY ISN'T HE IN THE BOX WHAT IS GOING ON. Is this some hallucination or dream sequence or something while he's buried?

"I shall consider myself 'punked'." Oh Crane I have missed you, bb.

((LIAM BEDTIME MELTDOWN this is why I don't watch anything live anymore. *sigh*))

"It's been a year." Wait, what? We better get some flashbacks or something.

"We both lost someone we loved." He better be talking about Corbin for Abbie and not Jenny. But WHERE IS JENNY?

"Nor I you, Lieutenant." I can hear Ichabbie shippers screaming from here. *eyeroll*

Bahahaha the arsenal in Abbie's trunk. I love it.

And Ichabod's rather less modern weapons. Bless.

"This is what we've been training for. You ready?" "I've been ready for two hundred years."

lol throwing shade at Benjamin Franklin.

General Washington namedrop only took five minutes ;)

OK the little tree roots are creeepy.

Consecrated rounds??? How did they figure this out? Really feeling like I've missed something, here.

mmmm, honey, you're mighty sexy with that crossbow

So does Ichabod know about grenades or was he just figuring it couldn't be anything good?

"HE KILLED MY WIFE!" nooooooooooooooooooooo wtf, show?

hmm that's an awfully modern American accent there, Ben.

TEN MINUTES IN WE FINALLY GET A (mini-) FLASHBACK TO WHAT THE FUCK WENT DOWN AFTER THE FINALE. (also, ten minutes is a damn long time to maintain a dream sequence, so there goes that idea.)

Ack, and there's what used to be the opening credits. Ew, have they switched to just that quick shot? Not a fan.

Mitchell: Okay, for starters, I think you need a strong opening title sequence.
Martin: Are you serious? Nobody does that anymore; you just throw up the title and get on with it.
((why is there no easily-findable gif of this line? arrgh, google fail))

Haaa nice timing on John Noble's name coinciding with opening the door on Henry.

awwww Crane's face! I am disappoint, son.

"... I know they happened, but I can recall no detail." Ahhhhhhh, hallucination it is! (maybe?)

"Jenny's still alive. We're still in Purgatory." I don't know which makes me dance more. :DD

15:42 and we're finally back in real time. Sheesh.

"I've done a lot of sinning. I hope you choke on every one of them." ATTA GIRL JENNY!!

Haaaa Ichabod goes all Beatrix Kiddo, punching his way out of his coffin.

Katrina! hiiiiii girl. Also, as Ron Weasley would say, "Are you a witch or not?" Come on, those ties don't look like anything special. Give us some wooj.

Ummm, pointing your neck stump at her is not likely to help her appetite, dear Abraham...

hiii Zombie John Cho. I still haven't decided whether I hate you or love you.

ooh Crane, look at you being all technology savvy to (attempt to) record your final words. So proud.

..... okay that was cool but how did he not blow up his face??

"You remind me that I am human." I'm sorry but I ship it.


"It should still be at the archives." Wait, so it was right there all along?? How did they miss... oh, because that bit wasn't real. Derp.

Awwww hug.

"It's all about the Benjamins." "Yes, it always was." *dies*

Awwww, Abraham dressed up for Katrina. That's sweet and creepy as hell. (where'd he get the alternate clothes??) Such a beautiful torso and then that stump. Ick.

More hugs! My latent Crane/Jenny ship is stirring.

fake!evil!Ichabod. I like it.

How about you don't recite the incantation RIGHT THE FUCK ABOVE THE ARMY MOLOCH IS TRYING TO RAISE, am I right? Unless you're the fake.

"Lootenant" hahaha yeah. Fake.

Huh. One-time use on the key. Handy. Though it makes me wonder how it was made and if another could be.

Moloch looks different now. Redesign, or is he meant to be wearing armor or something? (Because "this is war" #titledrop) Though the latter doesn't explain the change in the shape of his horns.

Well. Once it got going, it was like it never left. But those first fifteen minutes, ugh. That's way too long to wait for a shoe to drop.

Also, #FreeIrving. I mean it. Like, right now, writers.

sleepy hollow, television, spoilers, reaction post

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