(no subject)

Jun 27, 2008 21:56

Gosh my LJ exploded today. I had to scroll back three pages on my friends page to get caught up and I was ONLY IN SAN FRANCISCO FOR A FEW HOURS!! Yipes.

So yes, the trip into the City was to go to Britex to find material for my gown and my bridesmaids' dresses. I was having a hard time explaining to Mom the shade of green I wanted for my girls. Then we walked past the oriental brocades and this one in peacock blue and green jumped out at me and I was like "omg that's the green I want!" So we grabbed the roll and went up to the second floor and started poking around the polyesters and satins until I found one that was a lovely weight and the right color and has a bit of a shine and I was sold. Apparently the color I wanted is called "pistachio," which I feel silly for not thinking of before. I was like "it's not quite as dark as 'clover' but 'celery' is too light and too yellow..." Mom says it makes her think of the inside of an avocado. ... Not sure I'm doing a very good job of selling it here, but srsly it's gorgeous and come January most of you will see what I'm talking about.

Anyway, as we were carrying around the brocade, Mom decided it would work really well for the mother of the bride. Hmm. I hadn't been thinking about it as dress material, just a sample of the color I wanted, but oh. Oh! It looks _amazing_ on her. It totally wouldn't work on me but Mom has more color in her skin (what with spending six months out of the year in Mexico for the last three years or whatever) and she's where I get my green eyes and it's just _wow_. She won't outshine me as the bride because I'm the _bride_ and, much as some may worry about it, no one outshines the bride no matter what they wear. But if this weren't my wedding, yeah. Every person we walked past as we were carrying it around was all, "wow, that's gorgeous!" Now Mom and I both just _really_ need to hit the sit-ups. ;)

Also found some creamy crepe-back satin and chiffon that move the way I want ('cause I intend to dance, man!). And I've realized that what I want to do with my hair (which grew out of Mom asking me if I was going to have a veil, since we were there by the chiffon and organza and whatnot) is really quite thirties-forties ish. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Heh. And I think I won't have a veil. I did last time and it hid my hair through most of the evening and it just seems silly to bother with a nifty 'do and then cover it up. Also the general sentiment in bridal mags and forums seems to be skip the veil for a second wedding. Totally cool with me.

I continue to be surprised at how... laid-back I am about this wedding. Maybe 'cause I've "been there, done that" and thus don't feel the need to stick to details and be super-traditional and formal. I just want the whole mood to be fun (though not to the point of being silly and off-the-cuff); it's a summertime wedding and just... everybody be groovy, for lack of a better word.

Also, UPS delivered the invitations to my apartment while we were out. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOMGTHISISREALLYHAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!

... okay, so maybe I'm not quite so laid-back about it...

wedding, craft and sewing

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