(no subject)

Jun 23, 2008 23:38

From the_rainbow_jen

1. Take a picture of your bag.
2. Now dump everything out and neatly adjust them, and take a picture (no matter how embarrassing)
3. Talk about the items inside. Detail.
4. Tag 6 people. (don't tag the person that was already tagged) whatever. If it strikes you as fun, do it, if it doesn't, don't. Easy breezy.

... or not so much pockets as AN AUDREY PURSE OF AWESOMENESS with sparkly rhinestones. Oooh, shiny!.

I bought this shortly after Morgan was born and its initial purpose (other than looking cool) was to double as purse and diaper bag so that I didn't actually have to carry a diaper bag. And it worked fantastically. I think it might have been made by Time Lords because I can fit all _kinds_ of stuff in there, and, heh, it was game last night, so...

(see, I wasn't kidding!)
*Legend of the Five Rings, third edition, with the character sheet for my Akodo bushi sticking out. Hey that matches my bedspread!
*pencils because you never write on a character sheet in pen
*notebook for important campaign information and keeping track of Initiative
*velvety dice bag and 10 d10... there should be 10... one was hiding in the bag (it's silky on the inside and they like it in there)
*The Beasts of Tarzan, which is _not_ the as-close-to-first-edition-as-I-can-get that I _thought_ I was ordering. So it looks really funny on the shelf next to the other ones. Boo.
*XS Peach Tea Blast. This stuff is awesome. It actually tastes like peach tea instead of Red Bull/Rockstar/Monster/Go Girl/V/insert-energy-drink-here.
*lemony protein snack bar. mmmmm Great for the hypoglycemic with a sweet tooth.
*wallet. Once upon a time this had a chain attached but I'm not sure what happened to it
*keys: my car, my house, Dad's house, Grandma's house, work, boss's house-that-she-no-longer-owns. Guess I can take that one off, huh?
*entrance ticket for a business seminar thingy I went to like a week ago
*mini-cassette with the speeches from aforementioned seminar thingy
*memory stick newly invested with Way of the Lion so I can more fully get into my character's head
*lip balm
*sunglasses (never buy them anywhere other than the dollar store or you'll lose them. Just like the Ray-Bans I left in a movie theater cupholder once. *facepalm*)
*big paper clip (even I don't know why this is here)
*little green rock that kinda looks like jade I probably found while on a river walk with Dad and Morgan.
*scepter-thingy from one of Morgan's Barbies
*Listerine pocket pack that sounded like a good idea at the time but has never seen use
*Oh, and the phone which is not quite cool enough to be able to take a picture of itself. ;)

photos, memes

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