Nov 18, 2004 12:00
I've just finished my paper for my class today. I was really worried about it, so worried that I actually asked for an extension. I have *never* done that before, and I'm glad that I don't need it now.
Parenty things are going well. Kathleen had a doctor's appt yesterday. She weighs 8 lbs 10 oz, which is a weight gain of 1 1/2 lbs in one week. She lost a lot of weight in the beginning due to breastfeeding challenges, but everything is better now. She has another appt next week for her one month check-up and another weigh-in. Last week I cried in the doctor's office, this week I was all smiling and stuff, and I hope I'll do even more smiling next week.
Thanks to Doug for helping us set up the Tivo and the picture printer. I, of course, did not participate in either set up since I'm so technologically impatient. I had to wash the baby instead. (Don't throw me into the brier patch. Please!)
So, all in all, things are good. We're tired, but that's part of it. We periodically misplace our letters. A couple days ago Karlton said he was going to go shake a tower (take a shower), and I asked if we could give the baby a waked neigh (naked weigh). Being parents is really quite fun. We laugh a lot. (Sometimes, hysterically, but still it's laughing.)