Princesses & Princes - Chapter 6

Nov 11, 2010 22:53

Hiyas, Janet here with a new chapter.
I hope you all are looking forward to it since Donghae and Yoona have became closer.
Anyway, I hope you all will like this chapter~~~ XD
Comment will be greatly appreciated. ^^

Janet <3

Princesses & Princes - (Chapter 6 : Stalker or Friends and Siblings Confession)

Early the morning Yoona was with her mother watering the flowers in their garden then after that they take a seat and drink some tea. Yoona is very similar to her mother, they are good in playing piano, talented, kind heart, intelligent, and most of all is their both beautiful. When they were in middle on talking, they both heard that Yoona cellphone was ringing.

"Who would text you early in the morning, honey?" Shinae ask

"I don't know, omma!" Yoona open her cellphone and it her surprised that there are two message, one came from Taecyeon and one came from Donghae but the message is same.

Taecyeon and Donghae text :

"Yoona, I'll wait you at school gate."

This make Yoona happy that made notice of her mother then her mother peek at her cellphone

"Oh, Taecyeon and Donghae!" Shinae said that made Yoona surprise

"Omma!" then Yoona said

"Honey, it's okay that you have male friend!" Shinae said

"Omma, when you're young, are appa and you are friends?" Yoona ask

"Yes, we became best friends" Shinae answer

"Ooo....." Yoona said

"Honey, you better get ready for your school and your sister will not join you" Shinae said

"Why?" Yoona ask

"Because Leeteuk and Siwon will pick them up!" Shinae said and added "Are your sister in relationship?"

"I don't know, omma! I'll take a bath now." then Yoona went to her bathroom

---------------at school---------------

As early 8am, Donghae wait at the school gate as well Taecyeon then they notice each other

"Hyung!" Taecyeon call Donghae

"Oh, Taecyeon, what are you doing here?" Donghae ask

"I should ask that." Taecyeon said

"I'm waiting for Yoona!" the two said at the same time

"Are friends?" Taecyeon ask

"Oh, yes! We hang out yesterday with our siblings." Donghae said and it was 8:30 but Yoona still didn't arrive

"Why is she so late?" just then they notice the car of Yoona arrived then Yoona come down from the car she holds her books and a shoulder bag then the two boy walked towards to her

"Hello!" the two said in the same time again

"Oh, hello oppa and Taecyeon" Yoona said

"Yoona, you call him oppa then what about me?" Taecyeon said

"Okay, I'll call you oppa!" Yoona said then Donghae took the books of Yoona when Taecyeon saw then he took the bag of Yoona

"I'll carry that!" Yoona said to the two boys

"But let us bring this for you" Taecyeon said then their friends arrived as well as Leeteuk, Taeyeon, Siwon, Tiffany and Hara

"So, that's why Donghae is so early to go to school!" Leeteuk say to their friends while Hara was going out the car with a full of projects in her hands

"Uhm, Taecyeon can you help me?" Hara said to Taecyeon but Taecyeon didn't hear her that made her shout again

"Taecyeon!!!!!!!!!!!" Hara shouted and made Taecyeon surprised

"What?" Taecyeon ask and didn't even notice that Hara have many things to carry

"I said can you help me with this?" Hara said but Taecyeon just look at her

"You can carry it yourself." Taecyeon said then he see Yoona and Donghae was walking to their class

"Taecyeon, you're dead with me!!!!!" Hara shouted

Then Taecyeon just ignore her and walk towards to Yoona then he put his hand over Yoona shoulder then Donghae saw it then he hold the hand of Yoona and then Taecyeon hold the hand of Yoona too.

"I think today will make Yoona to shout a lot." Tiffany said

"I think so too" Taeyeon agree

"Why?" Siwon ask

"Just wait and see what happen!" Tiffany gave him a smile

Then Yoona, Donghae and Taecyeon reach their classroom. Yoona was sitting at the middle. At her right was Sooyoung and at the left is Hara then she sit at her seat then the two boys just follow her Taecyeon sitting at the left and Donghae at the right.

"What are you doing?" Yoona ask as she saw they both sit at both side

"Sitting" Donghae said and he put the books on Yoona table and Taecyeon gave her bag

"I mean your seat is at the back but you were on Hara and Sooyoung seat" Yoona said then Sooyoung and Hara enter the classroom with Hyoyeon and Krystal

"Why are you two sitting at our seat?" Sooyoung ask

"Because we want" Taecyeon said

"What about us? Where do you think we gonna sit?" Sooyoung cross her arm at her chest as well as Hara

"At our seat at the back" Donghae said

"No way!" Hara said and they started arguing about where they gonna sit until Yoona was annoyed because of the noisy people around her

"You four stop it!!!!" Yoona shouted

"But Yoona, they start it first!" Taecyeon said

"Taecyeon, Donghae go back to your seat and Hara, Sooyoung sit on your seat now" Yoona was so angry this time

"But-" Donghae said then Yoona shouted again

"No but, just go now" Yoona gave the two a death glare then the two just made their way to their seats

It's break time, they all meet at the canteen but Taecyeon and Donghae was still at both side of Yoona even the girls with Yoona go to the comfort room they still wait for her until they were in line they still follow her and give her a lot of food and it made Yoona to shout to them to stop following her about 10 times but still they don't care then they seated on each other side of seohyun when they seated at the table.

"Taecyeon and Donghae, Yoona will not be gone if you were not with her" Siwon said

"and you're her friend and not a stalker of her" Leeteuk added

"Unnie, how many times Yoona shouted?" Tiffany ask

"about 10 times" Taeyeon said

Then the two boys keep giving Yoona food and drinks that made the others laugh

"Okay, this is the first time I see Donghae like that." Leeteuk said

"As well as Taecyeon too." Hara added then they all laugh then Yoona stand up

"You two stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yoona again shouted in 11 times and walk away and the two boys follow

"Wow, this is the first time I see Yoona like that" Sooyoung said

"Well, that means Yoona is so annoyed now" Tiffany said

Until the private practice the piano of Yoona, the boys still there even they are arts less until Yoona didn't control herself at the music class with Yuri and Seohyun because the two boys are playing around and they can't concentrate

"You two come with me now!" Yoona stand and go out from the classroom and walked to the garden and followed by Donghae and Taecyeon that scene made Yuri and Seohyun stare at each other

"Goo Taecyeon and Park Donghae what's your problem now?" Yoona ask and cross her arm at her chest

"Nothing" the two answer and smile at her

"Don't smile I'm not joking" Yoona is really angry and walk away when she see the two boys are following again

"Don't follow or else you'll get what you want and don't follow me until I got home" Yoona said

"But-" the two boys said

"I'll never talk to you if you treat me like this" Yoona walk away and made the two boys didn't speak until the end of the class. Yoona is still didn't talk to them until Yoona got home

Yoona was about to sleep when she received two messages that came from Taecyeon and Donghae but same text

Taecyeon & Donghae text :

"Yoona sorry, please forgive us and text back please"

Taecyeon & Donghae

After Yoona read the message, she didn't reply to their text and sleep.

---------------next morning---------------

When Yoona arrived at school with her sister then Taecyeon and Donghae approach her

"Yoona, sorry!" the two boys apologize but Yoona didn't even looked at them and just continue walking

"Hey Yoona, you're not forgive them?" Tiffany ask

"No" Yoona said

"But Yoona, they say sorry " Taeyeon said

"Let's see" Yoona said

It was break time when Siwon and Leeteuk text her saying to meet them at the rooftop to discuss something then she made her excuse to her friends and sister. When she reach the rooftop, she saw the two boys was standing there.

"Oppa!" Yoona called their attention

"Yoong, come here" Leeteuk said

"Oppa, why you called me to come here?" Yoona ask

"Yoong, can we ask you a favor?" Siwon ask

"What favor, oppa?" Yoona ask when Leeteuk was about to say what was the favor but they notice someone was listening to them at the door then Siwon walk to the door to see who it was and when he open it was Taecyeon and Donghae

"Yoona, I think this two wants you!" Siwon said and Yoona look and see the two and just smiling at her

"You two come here now!" Yoona shout and made Siwon and Leeteuk shock then Taecyeon and Donghae walk towards her

"Wow, Yoona is scary!" Siwon whispered to Leeteuk

"Now you two what do you want?" Yoona ask the two

"Forgive us?" Donghae said

"No!" Yoona said

"I think I have an idea" Siwon interrupt

"What idea, oppa?" Yoona ask

"You'll forgive them if they help you for the favor" Leeteuk said

"Okay deal but" Yoona said

"Okay, we'll help" the two boys agree

"Oppa, what is the favor?" Yoona ask then Leeteuk say is about her sister they want to confess to them and ask them to be their girlfriend in a romantic way so they need the help of Yoona because she knows what her sisters likes and dislikes and she agree and said to Leeteuk that he must confess to Taeyeon at a stage while dancing together and for Siwon he must confess at a park in Merry Go Around so about that they agree about Yoona idea as well as Taecyeon and Donghae then Yoona called Taecyeon and Donghae to meet her at the garden

"Okay, this is the plan." Yoona said and instruct the two. Taecyeon must bring Taeyeon to the theater that their family own then Donghae must take Tiffany to the Amusement Park then Yoona will do the rest but Yoona arrange the time so that she can watch what will happen then they go home.

"Unnie, get dress tonight" Yoona said to Taeyeon

"Why Yoona?" Taeyeon ask

"Taecyeon will pick you up for a ballet concert" Yoona lie

"What time he will pick me up?" Taeyeon ask as she go to her closet and looking for a dress

"about 7pm" Yoona said

"That means I have 30 minutes to get dress but what about omma?" Taeyeon ask

"They know" Yoona said and go to Tiffany room

"Tiffany unnie, you better get dress tonight" Yoona said

"Why?" Tiffany ask

"Donghae said he invite you to their opening of new Amusement Park" Yoona said

"Why would he invite me not you?" Tiffany ask

"I don't know! He'll pick up you at 8:30 pm" Yoona said and close the door and not made Tiffany to speak

"Okay, I'll choose now what would I wear" Tiffany was choosing clothes when Yoona enter the room again

"Unnie, you must wear a dress that's all" then Yoona left the room

Then Taecyeon arrive to do his part for picking up Taeyeon and made their way to the theater.

"Unnie, Taecyeon is here come down now!" Yoona shouted then Taeyeon come down with a plain white dress with her hair was tied up and a high heel shoe

"Wow, unnie you're beautiful!" Yoona praised her

"Noona, let's go now!" Taecyeon said and they ride the car and proceed to the theater then Yoona text Leeteuk to inform that Taeyeon will be there in a minute then she check Tiffany if she is ready but Tiffany was making a hard time for what will she do to her hair

"Unnie, I'll help you about your hair" Yoona said and get the hair curler then she made the hair of Tiffany into curly and dress her up with a black dress that above the knee and a high heel shoe

"Finish!" Yoona said

"Wow, Yoona, you're good at fashion why wouldn't you do this to yourself?" Tiffany ask

"No way!" Yoona said

"Come on Yoona, you're beautiful and everything." Tiffany said

"Unnie, I'll get a sleep just go down when Donghae is here!" Yoona said but the truth she proceed to her CRV car and made her way to the theater where Leeteuk will confess then when she arrive Taecyeon was waiting for her at the entrance

"Taecyeon, where are they?" Yoona ask she were in jeans and a strapless with a blazer and a flat shoe that made Taecyeon stare at her

"Hey, I say where are they?" Yoona repeated again

"Uh, just what you say I leave noona at there" Taecyeon answer

"Okay, let's go" Yoona said and then they proceed to the venue

While Taeyeon was still waiting for Taecyeon that leave her there because he say he want find someone.

"Why Taecyeon left me here? Are he sure that it was a ballet concert?" Taeyeon ask herself because when she look around there were no people except herself just then her cellphone just ring and she open it then she saw it was came from Taecyeon saying he was in the theater 3 waiting for her

"Goo Taecyeon, you're really dead" Taeyeon said because Taecyeon made her wait for a long time when she reach the theater entrance and push the door with anger and shock for what she see. She see the theater all black and no one was there

"What the hell is this concert no one was here except for me" Taeyeon said to herself while walking

"Taecyeon, you're dead to me!" Taeyeon shouted then a light turn on in the stage and a light in the floor leading to stage where she see Leeteuk standing there then she made her way

"Now what's the idea here?" Taeyeon said and Leetauk come down from stage and made his way to Taeyeon

"Miss Taeyeon, can we dance?" Leeteuk offer a hand and Taeyeon accept it and they dance waltz 5 minutes while Yoona and Taecyeon watch them after dancing Leeteuk stop and face Taeyeon

"Taeyeon, can you be my girlfriend? I promise you I will take care of you and-" Leeteuk didn't finish his word then Taeyeon kissed him

"Is that means yes?" Leeteuk ask then Taeyeon nodded and make Leeteuk happy and hug tight just then Yoona and Taecyeon walk towards them

"Unnie, congrats!" Yoona said

"You plan this?" Taeyeon ask

"Yes, you don't like it?" Yoona said

"Of course I like it!" Taeyeon said

"Okay, let's go now! Tiffany unnie and Siwon oppa was waiting for us." Yoona said then Taeyeon was shock when she see Yoona can drive

"Yoona, you can drive?" Taeyeon ask

"Later I will tell why I know how to drive" then Yoona ride her car but Taecyeon was about to ride with Yoona

"Taecyeon, you have your own car now go there" Yoona said and Taecyeon obeyed and made Taeyeon and Leeteuk laugh then they made their way when they arrived Donghae was waiting them

"Where's unnie?" Yoona ask

"She seating at the bench" Donghae said

"Text her to go to the Merry Go Around!" Yoona tell him then he text Tiffany while they made their way to the venue where Siwon will confess while Tiffany just received the text and made her way to the ride when she got there she see a sign saying that she must ride the horse then she made her way and ride a horse it's start to go around with a romantic music then Yoona and other was watching them just then Siwon was walking towards Tiffany

"Tiffany" Siwon call her attention

"Oh, oppa!" Tiffany turn then Siwon hug her tight and after that Siwon took a necklace and gave it to Tiffany

"Oppa, what's this?" Tiffany ask

"Tiffany, can you be my girlfriend and I promise I'll take care of you and-" he didn't finish when Tiffany hug him and say yes then Yoona and others came out and greet them then Tiffany and Siwon walk towards to them

"Oppa, why you didn't gave me anything?" Taeyeon ask because Siwon gave Tiffany a necklace

"I have!" then Leeteuk take out a ring and gave to Taeyeon

"Oppa, thanks!" Taeyeon said

"Before that we should thanks Yoona" Siwon said

"You mean Yoona plan this" Tiffany said and the two boys nod then Taeyeon and Tiffany run and hug their sister

"Yoona, thanks!" the two said but Taecyeon and Donghae seems sad that made notice of Leeteuk and Siwon

"Yoona, I think you must forgive the two boys now" Leeteuk said

"Okay, but don't do that again!" Yoona said and the two boys nod and hug her

"Okay, let's go home! Omma and appa are waiting for us" Yoona said

"You mean appa and omma agree with this?" Taeyeon ask and Yoona nod

"You're the best sister ever Yoona" Tiffany said and as they walk to the car park they see 5 cars the 4 cars belong to the boys while they thinking who own the other car.

"Okay, let's go home now!" Yoona said and took out a key

"Yoona, you can drive?" Tiffany ask

"Yes, I can! Appa teach me!"' Yoona said

"Yoona, you are really different from your sister" Leeteuk said

"Okay, let's go now we have class tomorrow" then they all ride their own car except Taecyeon and Donghae they were following Yoona to her car

"You two, you have your own car! Now go there" Yoona said and made the two couples laugh.

sifany, yoonhae, fanfic, taeteuk

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