Princesses & Princes - Chapter 3

Oct 19, 2010 22:08

Hi everyone, Janet is here again! :)
I'm so sorry that I didn't update. :(
But today I will post Chapter 3 of 'Princesses & Princes'!
Enjoy Chapter 3!

Janet <3

Princesses & Princes - (Chapter 3 : First Meeting)

---------------In the school gate---------------

The three princess rush up to go down from their car.

"Tiffany, Yoona, I'll go ahead" then Taeyeon start to run towards to her classroom.

"Taeyeon unnie, hurry up and good luck" Tiffany shouted to Taeyeon

"Tiffany unnie" Yoona call her.

"Why Yoona???" Tiffany was wondering why Yoona call her and she notice Yoona was pointing to her chemistry teacher that going to their classroom

"Yah! Why didn't you tell me earlier" Tiffany shouted to her

"Sorry unnie, i thought that you will proceed after you get down from the car" Yoona said it in a shaking voice

"Yoona sorry" Tiffany apologize to her when she notice Yoona was about to cry and hug her

"Unnie, you need to go now" Yoona said it in soft voice

"Okay! I'll be going now" Tiffany run and turn to Yoona and Yoona shouted "Unnie, good luck for your exam"  just then someone tapped Yoona shoulder.

"Yoong" The girl said to her then Yoona turn to see who it was.

"Wow Hara, you're gonna study here?" Hara just nod Yoona was happy to her friend Hara was the daughter of a close friend of Yoona dad and Hara is the twin sister of Taecyeon.

"Why are you standing here?" ask her friend

"Well my unnie just run towards their classroom right now" and after Yoona answer the question and her eyes started roaming around and Hara notice her.

"If you were searching for Taecyeon he will come tomorrow because now he's out of town" Hara teased her friend

"I'm not asking about him" Yoona glare at Hara

"Okay fine that's what you say" Hara said

"Hey, let's go we're late in our class" Yoona grab Hara hands and run towards to their classroom

---------------Taeyeon & Leeteuk---------------

Taeyeon was in hurry when she didn't see the guy in front of her then he bump on him.

"Sorry, I did not see you" saying sorry while picking up the books and papers that spread all over the hallway.

"It's okay, me too! I didn't look who was coming" the guy said it while he picking up some books and papers and handed it to Taeyeon

Then Taeyeon stand up.

"By the way I'm Prin....................." Taeyeon stop when she about to say the princess before her name "I'm Kim Taeyeon" and handed her hands offering him to shake hands

"and I'm Park Leeteuk" and he extend his hand to accept the shake hands.

"I'll go ahead maybe see you around" Taeyeon said and run when Leeteuk was about to answer Taeyeon but she was gone and just said to himself

"She's so beautiful" Leeteuk whispered

---------------Tiffany & Siwon---------------

Tiffany was about to enter the classroom when a hand of a man touch her hands she look up who it was

"Ladies first" the guy said to her

"Thank you! My name is Tiffany" Tiffany smile at him

"And I'm Siwon. Let's go in" Siwon open the door for her.

"Thank you" Tiffany said and they go in then Ms. Hyori was waiting for them

"You two, why are you late???" and Ms. Hyori rise her eyebrow and when Tiffany was about to explain but Ms. Hyori said "Okay you two sit down to your seats. Now the exam will start!" and then Siwon and Tifanny take their seats.
"Tiffany, are you close with that guy?" Jessica pointing Siwon who just taken his seat but then Ms. Hyori walk towards to her

"Excuse me, Ms. Jung you're not allowed to talk when you're taking my exam" Ms. Hyori warned Jessica for being talkative

"Sorry ma'am" Jessica go back to her seat and finish their exam

---------------Yoona & Donghae---------------

When Hara and Yoona reach their classroom, they still catching their breath.

"I hope Ms. In Young not yet enter the class" Yoona still catching her breath

When they open the door luckily Ms. In Young was absent

"Yoona" Sooyoung the tallest girl in school call her from the back

"Unnie" then she drag Hara so that she can introduce Hara to her friends

"Yoong, who is she?" Sooyoung ask as she stared at Hara.

"Unnie, she's my childhood friend and her name is Goo Hara"

"Hello, nice to meet you" Hara answer with a fluent english

"Yoona, is she an American?" Sooyoung whispered to Yoona suddenly Krystal was awake from taking a nap and answer Hara in a fluent english

"So, you're new here? Can you speak korean?" Krystal was born in LA with her sister Jessica but they have a full korean blood

"Yes, I can. I'm a korean" Hara use her korean dialect. Hara with her brother was raised in Canada but mostly her brother stay at Korea. Then Sooyoung join their conversation.

"Are you alone here to transfer?" Sooyoung and smiled at her

"No, my twin brother is also transfer here" said it soft voice

"Where is he now?" Sooyoung move her eyes around

"He's not here but he'll come tomorrow because he was out of country right now" as Hara answer and add something

"And his name is Goo Taecyeon. You can just call him Taecyeon" then she smile.

"Are you really close with Yoona?" Sooyoung said

"Me yes but my brother is the most close to Yoona and actually he is Yoona boy......................." Hara didn't finish what she saying when Yoona cover her mouth

"Hara stop saying none sense word" then Yoona glare at her but she sigh to Sooyoung something means Taecyeon is Yoona boyfriend and she notice the two

"Yah! You two stop for what you are thinking" Yoona warned them

"Yoona admit it now" Sooyoung teased the maknae

"We don't have a special relationship and he's just my friend" as Yoona explain then someone was screaming

"Donghae is here" in that word most of the girls was getting crazy screaming and running just to see the guy that they were talking about but Yoona is the only who don't know him because Hara and Donghae are cousins but that time Hara was in the comfort room as she notice Donghae seated at the back she smile at him then her classmate was wondering why she smile at Donghae.

"Unnie, who is Donghae?" as Yoona ask innocently and look at Donghae from the back

"What the hell Yoona! You didn't know him!" Sooyoung was suprised of what Yoona ask because when Yoona finish her class she just stay at the library until her sister text her that the car is ready and that was the time Yoona will be out of the library infact she's the most intelligent, talented and role model of the school that's why she don't know if there is a new student

"Okay Yoona, I will tell you why Donghae is popular in school" then the school bell rings. It's time for their break.

"Unnie, you all go first! Go with them, Hara!" Yoona said in soft voice

"Why?" Sooyoung and Hara said

"I'll wait for my sister so that we can eat together" Yoona explain

"Okay, we will seat at the back of the canteen" Sooyoung instructed her

"Okay" and after a minute Tiffany and Taeyeon was waiting for her at the door and Yoona notice them and giving her a sign like let's go.

"Tiffany unnie, how was your test?" maknae ask while holding in her hands

"I got there late and i met a guy but i think he's new here" Tiffany try to remember his name then Taeyeon said

"Uhm, Tiffany, Yoona ask about your test and not a guy you have met" Taeyeon jokingly said

"Okay, I got perfect for the test" and said it with a big smile

"Congrats" her two sister was happy for her

"Wait, unnie what about the guy what's his name?" Yoona ask her

"His name is Siwon. I think he's new here"

"How can you say that he's new here?" Taeyeon ask

"Because this is the first time I see here" Tiffany said to the older

"Even me unnie I met a guy I think he also new here" Yoona said to her two sister

"Even me I have met a guy in a hallway maybe he also new here" yuri added

"Let's not mind them I'm hungry let's go to the canteen now!" then the three runs towards to the canteen

---------------3 prince room---------------

"Hyung, Hara text me" Siwon inform them

"What did she say?" Leeteuk ask while playing his PSP

"She was studying here and she wants to see us now at the canteen" Siwon read the message

"What!!!" Leeteuk was surprised because he didn't knew that his cousin was here at same school with them

"Actually hyung, Hara is my classmate" Donghae added

"Yah maknae, why didn't you tell us" the two was shock about what Donghae said

"Because you didn't ask" Donghae answer the two after a minute Siwon cellphone vibrate and when he open it came from Hara saying :

"Oppa, come down to canteen with Leeteuk oppa and Donghae oppa now!"


I have some pretty girls to introduce to all of you and bring some of your friends


Then Siwon let Leeteuk to read it.

"So, are we going to canteen?" Leetuek ask

"Let's go but let's invite Kyuhyun and others" Siwon suggested

"Hara is such a good cousin" Siwon said

"Just because she have pretty friends to introduce to you" Donghae saying after getting up from the couch

"Yah! Shut up, admit you like it too" Leeteuk teased the maknae

"Let's go now" Siwon shouted from the door

---------------at the canteen---------------

"Hara, who did you text?" Sooyoung ask Hara because Hara is smiling

"Uhm... My cousins" Hara winked at Sooyoung

"Really but why cousins?" Hyoyeon ask

"I have three cousins actually I think you know them" Hara explain

"Said to them bring some friends" Krystal suggested

"I already text it" Hara smile

"Wait, why is Yoona, Tiffany and Taeyeon take so long time to come here"Jessica asked then Sunny spotted the three princess running towards them.

"I think they here" pointing towards the three

"Yah! Why are you late?" Yuri ask

Their friends knew that Taeyeon, Tiffany and Yoona is belong to the royal family and even the whole school know but their parents ask to treat them like a normal student and not treat them as special just because they're princess but the boys and girls in school was paying attention to them in many ways like Tiffany was famous in boys and lot of them admire her and most girls want to like her. Taeyeon is being famous for being second to the greatest dancers in their school next to Hyoyeon while Yoona is popular for being greatest pianist top student in school and for being the most beautiful in their school but Yoona is not very sociable especially to boys she thinks study first before boys.

"Because we're chatting while walking to here"

"We buy the food for the three of you" Seohyun said

"Thank you" said the three princess

While they're eating, Hara seems finding someone and Yoona notice her mumbling like why are so late

"Hara, who are you looking for?" Yoona ask her

"Ah, my cousins and their friends" Hara smile at her

"What! Cousins?!" Yoona clueless that Hara never told her that she have cousins studying in their school

"Why are you so shock?" Hara look at her

"As if you told me that" Yoona gave her a glare

"Okay, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you" Hara apologize to Yoona

"Wait a minute, you invite them to eat here with us?" Yoona asked her friend

"You're right" Hara smile at her

"You're planing something" Yoona knew what her friend thinks just then someone shouted at the canteen "The prince is here with their friends" then all the girls come to see the glance of the prince

"What the hell is that?" Yuri who was annoyed at the noisy girls.

"Of course, the 3 prince are here" Jessica said and when Taeyeon heard what Jessica said.

"What prince???" Taeyeon and her sister don't know that they're royalty same as them studying in their school

Then Hara cellphone was vibrate and a message came from Siwon

"Yah! Hara, where are you now? We're here now at the canteen"

Then Hara stand up and wave her hand but Siwon don't see her and then she shout his name

"Yah! Siwon oppa, we're here" Hara shouted in a loudest voice that the whole student in the canteen can hear then all student in the canteen looked at her wondering why she called Siwon like that even her friends ask her.

"Hara, why did you called Siwon like that?" Sooyoung pulled her to sit

"Because.........." Hara was about to say the reason when Siwon heard her voice and come to them then other student were talking.

"The prince was walking towards to the 3 princess" this words caught the attention of Leeteuk

"Siwon, someone says that they're 3 princess" Leeteuk whispered

"What princess?" Sungmin ask

"Dude, I think there's someone making a lie and pretending to be in royalty" Heechul said

"Let see if it's true if they're are a real princess" Siwon said and going towards Hara but someone got her attention it's Tiffany

And Tiffany notice him too

"Taeyeon unnie, he's the guy that I was talking earlier" Tiffany pointing Siwon when Taeyeon turn to see and she saw Leeteuk behind Siwon

"Tiffany, me too! The guy that I told you earlier was there" Taeyeon pointing to Leeteuk but Yoona is the only one who was not interested for what they talking about instead she was reading her books.

"Yah! Oppa, why are you late?" Hara shouted to Siwon

"I'm your oppa and why are shouting at me" Siwon shouted to Hara.

"Hara, where's your brother?" Leeteuk ask and then he notice Taeyeon and she came forward to see if it's Taeyeon

"Kim Taeyeon right?" as Leeteuk tapped Taeyeon shoulder

"Oh! It's you Park Leeteuk" and Taeyeon gave him a smile

"ehem" Hara sigh and added "Taecyeon was out of the country but he's coming to school tomorrow" Hara added

"Hara, why are you not introducing us to your friends?" Siwon reminded her

"Oh, sorry! Here's my friends Yoona, Tiffany, Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Sooyoung, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Seohyun and Krystal" Hara smiled

"So let's all sit around the table" Kyuhyun suggested

Here's the setting in seated:

Yoona, Tiffany, Taeyeon  seated together

Donghae, Siwon, Leeteuk together

Jessica, Heechul

Sunny, Sungmin

Hyoyeon, Eunhyuk

Yuri, Kibum

Sooyoung, Hangeng

Seohyun, Kyuhyun

Krystal, Ryeowook

sifany, yoonhae, fanfic, taeteuk

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