Ordinary Life by Shalott and Speranza (NC-17)

Jul 28, 2011 20:40

Title: Ordinary Life by Shalott and Speranza
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Categories: action, drama
Length: 20,200 words
Warnings: n/a

On their first trip back to Earth, Rodney picks up a cushy consulting gig and John tails along for the free perks. Pity things don't go quite to plan.

I don't read much SGA fic these days, but I'm making my way through my old possible recs folder and came up with this fun first-time fic, full of action and humor and John in a speedo. It's a joint venture by Shalott (aka astolat) and Speranza, so you know it's well-written and the characters are vividly drawn. Mix in some some light-hearted relationship sorta-angst (seriously, I almost gave this a 'fluff' tag), John and Rodney being treated to lots of exotic and upscale goodies, and an action-packed climax and you have a light but very enjoyable and satisfying read.

Ordinary Life

genre: action, rating: nc-17, pairing: slash, genre: drama, fandom: stargate atlantis, length: 15000-30000 words

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