Title: Skin Deep by RivkaT
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Categories: genderswap, drama, angst, smut
Length: 27,700 words
Warnings: brief unwanted groping (not between Lex and Clark)
After Clark declines to take over the world, the cave punishes him by turning him into a woman. Ironically enough, that makes it a lot easier to give Clark exactly what he wants: a relationship with Lex.
Apparently I'm on a Smallville kick today. Another fun fic, though a bit more angsty than my last rec, with an inordinate amount of smut and a lot of Kent family angst (they still aren't thrilled about Lex). Good writing and some interesting commentary on the differences between men and women (Clark isn't quite as feminist as he thinks he is) and you have a fun read for fans of genderswap or just of good old-fashioned Clex.
Skin Deep