A Love Story

Nov 12, 2006 17:25

i wrote this on the train for no reason. and there is no explanation
or meaning. k? sweet...

Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2006

LOS ANGELES- Ken and Barbie were in love. Everyone knew that they were meant to be together.

But then, on one fateful night, Barbie arrived home at the Barbie Mansion to find Ken in the bedroom doing illegal things with Skipper.

That's when Barbie magically became Shotgun Barbie, the result of which made Ken into Dead Ken.

The incident was all over the news, although Barbie's reps at Mattel tried to cover up the whole thing. Barbie went to trial, and then there was no denying that something had happened. Barbie's attorney, Lawyer Barbie, claimed that Barbie couldn't be held accountable for her actions since Mattel never made her a brain.

Barbie got off with a warning. Skipper, however, was publicly executed for participating in kinky adultery. The villagers were deeply disturbed by this, and declared they would avenge her death.

"She didn't deserve to die," said Doctor Barbie. "She was just such a doll..."

"Ken took advantage of her," claimed Race Car Driver Barbie. "She was at my place-totally plastered-when he came on to her. I think we all know that no one can say 'no' to Ken... but it shouldn't have ended like this."

Many villagers felt that Barbie should not have brought Skipper to trial. "We're going to storm mer mansion and teach her what forgiveness really means," said the unforgiving Pitchfork Barbie.

Police Officer Barbie and Firefighter Ken arrived just in time last night to save Barbie from the blaze.

Barbie could not be reached for comment this morning, but insiders claim that she is "taking a break to rebuild her life and put things back together, maybe jumpstart her career and start dating other Kens."

Barbie is reportedly spending time with close friends, including, Socialite Barbie, Kleptomaniac Barbie, and Recovering Heroin Addict Barbie.

"She has a good support system," a close friend tells us. "She's had a rough couple of months, but if I know Barbie, I know she'll come out of her funk and bounce back better than ever. At least she still has the best body in America."

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