(no subject)

Nov 20, 2008 12:42

so I'm back home at my parents, just in time for the snow.  Yay PA!

things are...well not as great as I had hoped them to be.  Because of the whole economy thing, almost no where is hiring.  I'm putting in an application for Americorps in my hometown.

I few months ago I had a really bad earache, which then led to my eardrum rupturing (I didn't know that then, but I do now).  I went to the doctor yesterday because I still feel a lot of pressure in that ear.  He said that he saw scar tissue on the eardrum, but not enough to be overly concerned about.  Also, that my eardrum wasn't vibrating the way it used to and there was still fluid messing with things.  Since I don't have insurance now (taking the year off before I start up grad school again..hopefully) he gave me about a month's worth of free samples of this and that hoping that it would help.

If not..then surgery may be in my future :(

Its time to find a health insurance plan

Other than that.. I've been making seashell barrettes and trying to clean my room.  My uncle is flying in for Thanksgiving, and needs to be able to sleep in the room I've been sleeping in.  This would then push me to my actual bedroom that has accumulated by belongings over the past 5 years. Fun? no, but necessary.
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