Apr 21, 2012 23:02
A Rather Short entry, in which I remind my self that this account is here and I can use it.
The FFIL is in the hospital, and I am going to have tea tomorrow at the Drake Hotel with some friends. It will be a blast, if I can figure out how to get there and get home. I think it will be simple, if I can find the right expressway. I will google the directions and print them out tomorrow.
I have my new AppleTV playing Constantine right now, after watching Thor and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier. Spy this afternoon. I have some laundry to finish up. I have talked with the Darling Incarcerated Fiancee today several times. Life is good.
And now I am off to read a book on my Kindle. It is going to be an excellent night.
I will try to get back before another 4 months has past!