Entry the First of 2012.

Jan 01, 2012 20:31

Since I have lost track of how many entries I've made altogether and I have forgotten to go back and count in my hurry to get to a writing screen, I am going to let it go and remember that it is New Year's. Gotta love it.

So far, 2012 is a resounding success. This is going to be a fantastic year- the best I've had in a very long time. I feel so much more prepared for this year, in such a better place today than I was this day last year. This year, things are going to be the best. I believe it now!

I have continued to reorganize my room and declutter the house at large. I have a TV in my room that is the perfect size (I am picky- too big and they take over a room, too small and you can't see the picture). I have been making regular visits to the health club I joined, and I am seeing some changes to my health and overall fitness- but not the weight. I have a New Year's diet planned to start either tomorrow or Tuesday (depending on how quickly the cheesecake is eaten) and I have started the year off right with 35 minutes on the elliptical trainer this afternoon. I opened the year with abundance- a friend gave me something I have needed since I've been here this morning. It was a great way to start the year.

I have been watching Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean, and I have come up with a great idea for a Pride and Prejudice knock-off of Pirates. After I finish St. Valentine's Day Massacre, I might just have to write it, certainly before I start med school. And before Jill stalks me down and tells me to GET THE DAMN CHAPTER WRITTEN BEFORE I HURT YOU! All in the name of friendship, of course!

I've been very productive today, and that has helped my frame of mind. I have a little more to do, and tomorrow I'm doing some shopping and errands, and I have a movie night planned with Melinda. Star Wars, here I come. It's been several years since we've drooled over Anakin, and tomorrow is The Day. It's going to be a lovely thing.

And I've read several books since I got my Kindle 2 weeks ago- I'm almost half-way through 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'. It's nice to be reading again. It's nice to feel a bit more like me again.

I have found several steamy Jareth/Sarah fics, and joined a Yahoo! Labyrinth group. It's so lovely to be a member of a group that understands my fascination that movie and all things Jareth. In fact, I'm anxiously awaiting an update on a fic I just found yesterday. I can't wait to read the next chapter!

I also need to call school tomorrow and see what the status of my application is- I intend to start medical school in September. I am thrilled that everything for that has worked out so well. It is going to be a wonderful thing- I should have done this 15 years ago. I can't wait for a new challenge.

And that is what this year is going to be- a new challenge. Between taking care of the FFIL, moving forward (and possibly even marrying) the darling incarcerated fiancee, and going to train as a naturopathic physician, it is going to be a good year.
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