Feb 09, 2011 22:12
I don't know why I feel that I must be judged on how much I get done in a day, but I do. Today was a good day for getting things done. Of course, my to-do list isn't shortened by much, but it is shortened, and tomorrow I can get even more knocked off. If I don't get it done tonight before I go to sleep.
The laundry is done. The dishes are in the dishwasher and the kitchen is wiped down. My clothes are mostly folded and put away. A couple of letters have been written, one sent, and some things I needed to copy off have been printed. I have dusted and vacuumed. I have gone through my library books and set aside those that I am done with, and renewed everything that needs renewed so I can turn them in when I get time. I've also been working on getting a printer set up in my room. I am not sure it's going to work, but I haven't given up yet. It's been a good day.
Tomorrow I will be working on the list, going to a victory garden class, and (hopefully) running to the library. I've been short on gas, so I've been putting these things off.
I'm singing in a funeral on Monday, and I've sold a DVD on craigslist. So, on Monday I will have money. It's a very good thing. I'm still working out the half-marathon, but that will be done on Monday. For sure!! Unless I can come up with something before then- possible, I guess.
I've been watching Tinman on Netflix, and it's a good miniseries. Things have been going well, despite the migraine last week. Not too bad at all, and I'm still feeling better over what I did at the end of 2010.
My church has been having a class on forming an adult faith. I have loved it. It has brought a couple of things to the fore-front. First, breathing is an act of worship, because we live, move and have our being in God. Wow, that is so cool!!! On Monday, I had my eyes opened about the Kingdom of God. When John says "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" it is not apocalyptic! What significance does that have? It means that I should be living, rather than hunkering down, waiting for the end of the world. Not that I was doing the later, but I have not been living. I guess it's time to find out what my life will look like when I live it. Life is good.
Alright, time to sign off again. Back to crossing things off the list!