A Sunday Evening...

Jan 24, 2011 00:08

Today was difficult, and not just because the Packers won the NFC Championship, but because today at church it was announced that I am leaving, and that I had resigned my position on the vestry and they were looking for new choir people because I am not going to be in the choir after March.  I had several people tell me I could not leave, and I seriously considered telling them I wouldn't because I would miss them all too much.  I hope that I can find a parish in Chicago that is just as good as this one.

So what did I do today??  I came home and read Labyrinth fics, of  course!  They kept my mind occupied and out of the doldrums that I feel like slipping into.  Tomorrow, though, I need to make things happen.  It's going to be a nice, short week, and I have a lot to do in the meantime.  There are new arrangements to make, things to change or cancel, sorting and pre-packing to take care of, and the list goes on.

Little by little, though, I am starting to feel good about this move instead of just terrified.  James and I have talked about his father quite a bit in our phone conversations, and he is telling me about all the things I can look forward to when I get there.  It is helping.

In the meantime, I have school due tomorrow which I will be working on tomorrow afternoon, and a lot of errand-y type things to finish up, including some school errands.  I'm doing a good job in my class; I've got a 97% and the class ends next week.  This is an interesting class, but not necessarily a graduate-level class- though I have been very impressed with the instructor, who has offered very good feedback, and has stimulated some great discussion.

I've got a new stack of books to take to the bookstore, and a few DVDs that I can sell for some extra money.  Tomorrow is the first class on building a Christian faith, and Tuesday is my stitch-along with Claudia.  I'm hopeful that I can raise enough money to at least buy the book I need for the stitch-along- I've got plenty of floss, and I could use the muslin I've got for material.  I'll have to see what I can come up with.

I'm still going to be able to do the Team in Training stuff, they can transfer me to Chicago.  For James' sake, I will do a half-marathon because he's so worried about my  health.  Of course, I'll be fine, but if it eases his mind, I will take it down a notch.  I'm looking forward to getting the training started.

Well, enough for now.  I need to get some sleep.
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