Halloween and NaNoWriMo

Oct 18, 2005 20:12

Halloween is creeping along fantastically and I'm not at all as prepared as I'd like to be. We're having another rather small party. I love Halloween, best time of the year. Celebrating scary fun stuff, what more could you want. Feels weird not to have Jodes and Bek around though. I'm hoping as well as the party to have a small afternoon tea for some of the kids. Do some craft stuff eating disgusting amounts of sugar and scary lollies. I reckon it will be a ball if I can organise both.

Laptop is back in action with absolutely no thanks to the stupid heads who charged me an exorbitant amount of money only to have Sarah and I stay up until 1am figuring out how and successfully managing to reformat and reinstall windows on my computer. It's taken so long to put all my old programs back on but I think it's finally back to a healthy state.

Sarah still loves her job at the childcare centre, I'm still despising mine at the hospital, and all is well.

NaNoWriMo is drawing closer and I've decided to do it again. I did it for the first time last year. I found it an awesome way to get the fantasy stories inside of me out without being hinder by all the technical and pedantic stuff. It should be fun.
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