Hipster or Old Man?: A Game Show For People

Dec 08, 2006 09:03

Ever spot some square-framed glasses and baggy jeans from a distance and discover all too late that this was not a cute little indie hipster boy, but an old man, ready to cram his paranoid fantasies down your delicate little neck? Ever think, "If I had a euro for every time I crossed the road to avoid a potential old man with a not-very-sober face, and instead inadvertently snubbed a too-hip acquaintance, I'd be able to buy the entire Yo La Tengo back catalogue, and I'd still have money left over for brunch at Odessa?" Well, now you can. Now you can give me a euro for every time you do such a mad, mad thing.

On my game show, Hipster or Old Man? A Game Show For People, you will compete with other People, and you'll be asked to distinguish between Old Men and Hipsters from various distances (25m, 50m, 100m), and from various viewpoints (above, below, behind, face-front). When you guess wrong, you lose one euro. When you guess right, you don't lose one euro.

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