How's it going, Todd?" in a backroom. Yes, THAT'S the most serious example of non-realism in the show.
Bwhahaha! Yes, that's exactly what I though, as well. Of all the unrealistisms to select, TODD?
I don't believe they started out with a political agenda, except the vague, broad one of showing gay life/gay sex in an in-your-face manner. Tackling specific issues and using sledge-hammer propaganda came later.
I do agree with that, which is what I meant when I wrote that it had promised so much more. Not just DonRan, who seemed to say something different depending on the state of their colons that morning, I meant, the promise of the show at the beginning. Thanks for clarifying the point.
a little charm and wit would have gone a long way. Both were missing by season 5.
Lesbians. Need I say more?
Hello, that's Gale and Randy's chemistry you're taking credit for, instead of thanking the TV gods for your outrageous good fortune! Amazing chemistry between the leads, and some great timing of the show in general, yep
( ... )
Not just DonRan, who seemed to say something different depending on the state of their colons that morning
Of course I agree with the poster. Read some of the comments and it just makes my head hurt. G&R and their great chemistry is why the show lasted as long as it did, not because of anything CowLip did. Least of all their "writing", if one can call it that.
Yeah, I'm still in the camp that truly believes it would have been best if it had been abruptly yanked between S3 and 4 hiatus, for no good reason. 314, end. kthx.
not because of anything CowLip did
Yes, they produced an interesting version of RTD's concept. They also gave us dialog that only rarely transcended this:
Lindsay: It just goes to show, if you love someone long enough and hard enough...
Mel: You get a sore ass?
Ah, the joys of Cowsuckage. Although I don't want to take away from them, I think they are marvelous producers of soft core music videos...
I haven't read the comments (and don't need to get my ire up, thanks very much) but I spit nails when I read Cowlips' response, as JV noted, taking credit for Gale and Randy's chemistry, as if they had anything to do with that! In fact they did their best to ruin that magic by fucking up Brian's and Justin's characters, and they intentionally fucked over the BJ relationship and most of the fans in the end.
While I'll always cherish the QAF years for lots of reasons, certainly my love was badly tarnished by seasons 4 and 5 in particular. But in recent months I've watched most of seasons 1 and 2, which were the best years, and distance does not lend enchantment. The good stuff is still good, but the bad stuff is so very much more apparent and more appalling now!
(and don't need to get my ire up, thanks very much)
It's actually kind of funny - or appalling, depending on how invested one is in the idea that arguments need to BE RESOLVED at some point - but it's all the usual stuff, much more to do with the politics of the ideas, and absolutely nothing to do with the art of the show itself. I'm so fucking sick of this show being the flashpoint of all kinds of political posturing and grandstanding. It's a fucking tv show for god's sake!!!
Yeah, yeah, I'm under a LOT of stress this spring, can you tell?
The good stuff is still good, but the bad stuff is so very much more apparent and more appalling now!
Isn't it though? It's amazing how a loss of emotional investment makes it so obvious? I remember Leah saying she began reviews of S1, which she had remembered as so good, only to find that, really, a lot of the writing was just cringe-worthy.
I loved QAF until mid-season 5, despite all the heavyhanded politics. Once Justin left (again) and Brian's contest with Brandon, the show officially jumped the shark for me.
Exactly. Damn it. It had such potential. If it hadn't had potential, I wouldn't have been so damn mad when it didn't deliver. Anybody watching that show was already pro-gay marriage and anti-gay bashing. Pft. Like you said, what we wanted were people not character types. And that's what S1 showed, even among zany far-fetched plots. Emmett was not just a flaming gay dude, Brian was not just a jerk, Michael was not just a whiny retail worker.
but if we take a moment to not believe a word those two say
If it hadn't had potential, I wouldn't have been so damn mad when it didn't deliver.
Me neither. :(
Anybody watching that show was already pro-gay marriage and anti-gay bashing. Pft. Like you said, what we wanted were people not character types. And that's what S1 showed, even among zany far-fetched plots. Emmett was not just a flaming gay dude, Brian was not just a jerk, Michael was not just a whiny retail worker.Well, actually, I kind of think Michael was a little bit of a whiny retail worker, and I had a hard time getting past how much of a jerk Brian could be... But yes, you're right, the show did offer facets of personality (Hal's acting was the big trouble for me). By S5, we got "Gay sex businessman success god!" and "Cute gay small business owner family man!" and of course, the two as opposite sides to the big gay pole. Because you know, that's all there is. (kind of explains why we had to shove Justin off the cliff, huh? or is that the "critical artist types who actually have something to say about the DonRan's handling of
( ... )
Hahaha, Michael was a whiny little retail worker, but he still had, in S1, the potential to be more. He was funny in S1 because they were still working off the Vince model. Then that potential just died and he just became whiny. Ick.
CowLip have no subtlety and they never had the sense to keep writers who could fix that.
I still think CowLip are idiots, but I have to admit that time has muted a lot of my anger. Of course, I'll never watch S5 again as long as I have breath, but S4 doesn't bother me at all anymore.
Ah, I'm always happy for others who have managed this. Me, now, I feel about CowLip as Inigo Montoya felt about Count Rugen in the Princess Bride: My name is Jane2005 you killed my father television show prepare to die!!!
S4 has its moments, and I suppose I could be more reconciled to them if I were ever to watch S4 again (buzzcut!Justin... mmmmmm....). Although between the Pink Posse, and really, whoever came up with Brian Kinney in a bike helmet ought to have been drawn and quartered.
They find endless things to discuss, they're riveted by the characters, and they always want more. And more. And more.Yep, so did we. But you show S1 and 2, pretty much, right? I really don't and didn't have major issues with QAF through S3. I mean, it could have been better, but if it weren't for S4 and 5, I might have had no real problem with it as a tv
( ... )
This: "...whoever came up with Brian Kinney in a bike helmet ought to have been drawn and quartered." is the most perfect statement I've heard today! Thank you!
Brian Kinney in a bike helmet ought to have been drawn and quartered." is the most perfect statement I've heard today!
Isn't it the truth, though? Though actually, bonding over horrified laughter over Brian-in-a-bike-helmet led me to one of my best friends in the fandom, so it will always hold a place in my heart. The place where I keep some of my most caustic satirical ripost, yes, yet nonetheless.
But really. The expression, can't you just hear Gale's thoughts? "Oh. My. God. I look like a total moron. This is worse than having to fake orgasm. This'll teach me not to tell DonRan that the show's going downhill and they should bring in, I don't know, a talented writing pool?"
I just would have liked to have known that in the beginning so my expectations wouldn't have been so high. We were promised a hell of a lot more. -couldn’t have said it more emotionally myself.
As unbelievable as the premise was, we saw Brian and Justin DEVELOP a relationship. Mikey and David, huh! Crack my back. Mikey and Ben, comic store awe. Will and whom,? was there ever anything? Noah and Wade-too stereotypical, too prissy and too much facial hair. Then QaF UK--how could Nathan be 3" taller than Stuart, such believable casting duh!. No wonder it only went 7 eps.
Despite the writing, Randy and Gale made me really believe that after their missteps, miscommunications and mishaps-that Brian and Justin really fell in love
( ... )
Randy and Gale made me really believe that after their missteps, miscommunications and mishaps-that Brian and Justin really fell in love.
Oh, yeah, it was totally Gale and Randy chemistry all the way for me. The only thing worth watching in S5, for me, was Gale's having Brian fall in love, really, with Justin. The subsequent heart break was too much for me to take.
I guess the previous best was Scarlett and Rhett.
Ah yes. But, with Scarlett and Rhett, the dumping in the end made sense. Justin's fading interest in Brian's lifestyle and sudden fascination with babies and suburbia made no real sense. Yeah, I know, people can argue that Justin could have been interested in those things, my point is that the groundwork hadn't been laid for it in the series and in the previous work with his character. There was no development - a viewer has to suspend disbelief and fill in the blanks to have it make sense. I personally feel a writer is cheating when he does this.
Comments 57
Bwhahaha! Yes, that's exactly what I though, as well. Of all the unrealistisms to select, TODD?
I don't believe they started out with a political agenda, except the vague, broad one of showing gay life/gay sex in an in-your-face manner. Tackling specific issues and using sledge-hammer propaganda came later.
I do agree with that, which is what I meant when I wrote that it had promised so much more. Not just DonRan, who seemed to say something different depending on the state of their colons that morning, I meant, the promise of the show at the beginning. Thanks for clarifying the point.
a little charm and wit would have gone a long way. Both were missing by season 5.
Lesbians. Need I say more?
Hello, that's Gale and Randy's chemistry you're taking credit for, instead of thanking the TV gods for your outrageous good fortune!
Amazing chemistry between the leads, and some great timing of the show in general, yep ( ... )
Of course I agree with the poster. Read some of the comments and it just makes my head hurt. G&R and their great chemistry is why the show lasted as long as it did, not because of anything CowLip did. Least of all their "writing", if one can call it that.
not because of anything CowLip did
Yes, they produced an interesting version of RTD's concept. They also gave us dialog that only rarely transcended this:
Lindsay: It just goes to show, if you love someone long enough and hard enough...
Mel: You get a sore ass?
Ah, the joys of Cowsuckage. Although I don't want to take away from them, I think they are marvelous producers of soft core music videos...
While I'll always cherish the QAF years for lots of reasons, certainly my love was badly tarnished by seasons 4 and 5 in particular. But in recent months I've watched most of seasons 1 and 2, which were the best years, and distance does not lend enchantment. The good stuff is still good, but the bad stuff is so very much more apparent and more appalling now!
It's actually kind of funny - or appalling, depending on how invested one is in the idea that arguments need to BE RESOLVED at some point - but it's all the usual stuff, much more to do with the politics of the ideas, and absolutely nothing to do with the art of the show itself. I'm so fucking sick of this show being the flashpoint of all kinds of political posturing and grandstanding. It's a fucking tv show for god's sake!!!
Yeah, yeah, I'm under a LOT of stress this spring, can you tell?
The good stuff is still good, but the bad stuff is so very much more apparent and more appalling now!
Isn't it though? It's amazing how a loss of emotional investment makes it so obvious? I remember Leah saying she began reviews of S1, which she had remembered as so good, only to find that, really, a lot of the writing was just cringe-worthy.
Exactly. Damn it. It had such potential. If it hadn't had potential, I wouldn't have been so damn mad when it didn't deliver. Anybody watching that show was already pro-gay marriage and anti-gay bashing. Pft. Like you said, what we wanted were people not character types. And that's what S1 showed, even among zany far-fetched plots. Emmett was not just a flaming gay dude, Brian was not just a jerk, Michael was not just a whiny retail worker.
but if we take a moment to not believe a word those two say
Me neither. :(
Anybody watching that show was already pro-gay marriage and anti-gay bashing. Pft. Like you said, what we wanted were people not character types. And that's what S1 showed, even among zany far-fetched plots. Emmett was not just a flaming gay dude, Brian was not just a jerk, Michael was not just a whiny retail worker.Well, actually, I kind of think Michael was a little bit of a whiny retail worker, and I had a hard time getting past how much of a jerk Brian could be... But yes, you're right, the show did offer facets of personality (Hal's acting was the big trouble for me). By S5, we got "Gay sex businessman success god!" and "Cute gay small business owner family man!" and of course, the two as opposite sides to the big gay pole. Because you know, that's all there is. (kind of explains why we had to shove Justin off the cliff, huh? or is that the "critical artist types who actually have something to say about the DonRan's handling of ( ... )
CowLip have no subtlety and they never had the sense to keep writers who could fix that.
I was anti-gay bashing when I started watching it, but by the end I was wavering!
admit that time has muted a lot of my anger. Of
course, I'll never watch S5 again as long as I
have breath, but S4 doesn't bother me at all
Ah, I'm always happy for others who have managed this. Me, now, I feel about CowLip as Inigo Montoya felt about Count Rugen in the Princess Bride: My name is Jane2005 you killed my father television show prepare to die!!!
S4 has its moments, and I suppose I could be more reconciled to them if I were ever to watch S4 again (buzzcut!Justin... mmmmmm....). Although between the Pink Posse, and really, whoever came up with Brian Kinney in a bike helmet ought to have been drawn and quartered.
They find endless things to discuss, they're
riveted by the characters, and they always want more.
And more. And more.Yep, so did we. But you show S1 and 2, pretty much, right? I really don't and didn't have major issues with QAF through S3. I mean, it could have been better, but if it weren't for S4 and 5, I might have had no real problem with it as a tv ( ... )
"...whoever came up with Brian Kinney in a bike helmet ought to have been drawn and quartered."
is the most perfect statement I've heard today!
Thank you!
is the most perfect statement I've heard today!
Isn't it the truth, though? Though actually, bonding over horrified laughter over Brian-in-a-bike-helmet led me to one of my best friends in the fandom, so it will always hold a place in my heart. The place where I keep some of my most caustic satirical ripost, yes, yet nonetheless.
But really. The expression, can't you just hear Gale's thoughts? "Oh. My. God. I look like a total moron. This is worse than having to fake orgasm. This'll teach me not to tell DonRan that the show's going downhill and they should bring in, I don't know, a talented writing pool?"
Poor Gale.
As unbelievable as the premise was, we saw Brian and Justin DEVELOP a relationship. Mikey and David, huh! Crack my back. Mikey and Ben, comic store awe. Will and whom,? was there ever anything? Noah and Wade-too stereotypical, too prissy and too much facial hair. Then QaF UK--how could Nathan be 3" taller than Stuart, such believable casting duh!. No wonder it only went 7 eps.
Despite the writing, Randy and Gale made me really believe that after their missteps, miscommunications and mishaps-that Brian and Justin really fell in love ( ... )
Randy and Gale made me really believe that after their missteps, miscommunications and mishaps-that Brian and Justin really fell in love.
Oh, yeah, it was totally Gale and Randy chemistry all the way for me. The only thing worth watching in S5, for me, was Gale's having Brian fall in love, really, with Justin. The subsequent heart break was too much for me to take.
I guess the previous best was Scarlett and Rhett.
Ah yes. But, with Scarlett and Rhett, the dumping in the end made sense. Justin's fading interest in Brian's lifestyle and sudden fascination with babies and suburbia made no real sense. Yeah, I know, people can argue that Justin could have been interested in those things, my point is that the groundwork hadn't been laid for it in the series and in the previous work with his character. There was no development - a viewer has to suspend disbelief and fill in the blanks to have it make sense. I personally feel a writer is cheating when he does this.
There was something very ( ... )
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