The B/J Poll

Mar 22, 2007 08:43

So, my flist is all a-flutter with the results of's poll here:;jsessionid=75d353a15b31dffffffffe52a72d9688cb78?sernum=3616&navpath=/channels/entertainment/television/

Seriously, if you don't want to read a post that critiques some of the points being made instead of just squeeing over the joy of B/J, feel free to skip this.

Apparently Brian and Justin are the hottest tv couple ever. Did we need a poll for that? For those who voted Ben/Michael, I really wish they'd posted some links to teh sex scenes from S5 over on Youtube. Of course, Brian's "face of pain" orgasms and Justin's angry!fucking might change the minds of those on the fence, so maybe not.

This comment is drawing particular ire:

QAF was shit, it felt like it was written by a gang of gay political activists.

What we need is a gay drama/soap that does not feel the need to show gays taking drugs and sleeping with anything that moves!

Of course, as can be imagined, that last part drew all kinds of fire, including someone calling the commenter a closet case (yes, it's true, no one likes a critic, and apparently it's not good enough to comment on the negative opinions, one must go right into negative personal commentary). Since the main point was missed, he clarified:

My point is that the show was shit and written by total assholes. And yes I dont want to see a drama like this. I want somthing a little more than sex scenes and anti bush scripting every 5 mins!

I must say, after five years, I too was ready for something more than pandering and soap-boxing by the writers. YES WE GET IT AND AGREE CAN WE HAVE SOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT ALSO NOW PLS KTHX. While this commenter is drawing all kinds of fire, I think his point, the desire that there be something "more" - i.e., more art, less style, is shared by a whole lot of people who watched this show and had pretty high expectations for it, especially after the promise of S1 (I still think the prom/bashing is one of the best tv moments ever).

I've been thinking, though, how the characters, in the end, were types. Which makes QAF a romance (take THAT DonRan!!). Unfortunately, the show's creators kept insisting on how "realistic" it was - but if we take a moment to not believe a word those two say, and QAF is, instead, a romance, then the characters as types are symbolic of a point being made by the plot; the story is not going to be motivated by the characters and/or their development as they act like recognizable human beings. Instead, a romance's characters are shaped by the overall purpose of the story being told; the story's purpose does not emerge as the characters act like human beings in a real world. Which makes sense to me, since in the end, the point was to denigrate the anti-gay repressors - there was a very specific politically motivated purpose. Unfortunately for me, I'm not a big fan of political propoganda, so that kind of sucked from my pov.

But I think this is why people who come in later to the fandom have no problem with the show, because by the end this is obvious, and the show is fine for what it is.

I just would have liked to have known that in the beginning so my expectations wouldn't have been so high. We were promised a hell of a lot more.

And, yeah, why WEREN'T Noah's Arc guys on this poll? I might have voted for Ricky and his own ego. Of course, the show is so badly written, I just can't watch it any more. Too bad, another potentially good premise!

And I am off to work! Have a good day, all.
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