Sep 15, 2006 17:42
we all got it
it was like that glimpse of doom
weather it came in the for of a note from the sekritare
or a random call on your cell
it was terrible
just terrible
it made your heart race, your mind stir crazy
it made you bite your lip, pick your nails, nervously tap your feet
shivers and sweats were common symptoms as well
it was the call that changed our personalities for a few minutes
the call that made us feel like the person we hated to be
the call that scared us into behaving so we wouldnt get kicked out
luckily as soon it was over there was always much support
lots of first aid support groups
and after all, once it over the feeling cant live
the garezers bug just eats it up!
but those calls
those horrible few minutes
well living without you guys is like having those calls from our moms every day
i miss it so much. i could cry. and i have.
the end.