Awesome World-Building Tools

Oct 25, 2010 09:37

I'm in the midst of pulling together the backstory for my latest original 'verse, tentatively titled "In the Garden of the Queen," and I ran across a few really handy name and place generators from Serendipity.  They range from the basic country name generators and medieval character name generators, and even include such fun things as the "Fantasy Gown Generator," the "Community Name Generator" (for 'quaint rural villages'), and, my personal favorite, the "Chinese Restaurant Generator."  Because every town needs a Chinese restaurant.

This is actually incredibly exciting for me because I've been trying to scribble down a fantasy-esque story for ages and ages and ages, but the names almost always stop me.  I use lame-o placeholders with places and people lifted from my favorite novels (the world of Alanna Trebond of Tortall is one of my favorite.  Oh, if only I were as awesome as Tamora Pierce), which I quickly tire of and then have to rewrite... and then I spend all my time trying to come up with decent names that I'm not going to sneer at and forget about the story.  Aaaaanyway, these are fun new writing tools, and I am now really, really, really excited to play with them.

In other news, I got my first full night of sleep last night... but woke up to find that my asthma is now rearing its ugly head.  There is no winning, I s'pose.  

meta: process

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