Jan 08, 2011 12:40
It's amazing how much feelings can change.
I loved Mike, I truly did and I would have forgiven him anything...except this. Such cowardice and lack of concern has really opened my eyes to what he's really like. Anyone that can do that to someone and not hate themselves is...well, not worthy of my affection.
I've removed him from facebook and I'll remove him from my phone in a week (allow him time to apologise for his actions, but he won't). I think he's already blocked me on the other systems we know each other through, so that's that sorted.
So what now?
Well I'm fed up of feeling like this and of being the second choice every single time, so time to do stuff about it. I've already started losing weight and will be signing up with weightwatchers next week when my scales arive so I can lose more. I have a kinect with a fitness program coming through the mail, so that should help as well.
I'll be honest, I still have some time to go before I'm fully over him, but at least I'm now making some headway and should be over him far sooner than I would have been, which is good.
He wasn't the one. For a time I thought he might be, but no one that pathetic is worth me. I chose to believe that someone out there is the right person for me and eventually I'll find them. But for now, some time to focus on rebuilding myself. I am Jexus, hear me roar.