May 05, 2015 22:07
I clip coupons and then usually let them expire. Today some of the coupons had additional savings if I would go on line and print them or "clip" them to my card with the company. First was Health Essentials for Aveeno. I signed up with password, name and address, etc., picked the coupon I wanted, then got screen that said I didn't have JAVA, and needed it in order to print the $2.00 coupon. I did that, cleverly avoiding downloading as my default search engine and home page. I returned to the Aveeno coupon page and got same message "Get Java", with no way to go around it. By that time the $2.00 was not worth any more of my time. Next was Walgreens $5.00 in two coupons for Miralax, which my son uses. With both coupons and my Walgreens card I would have saved about $15.00. It's pricey stuff. There was a weekly Walgreens ad that said I could go on line for one of the coupons. For Miralax. Sale dates: 5/5-5/9. However, there was no Miralax coupon at all on the site. Next was Hormel, for jars of real bacon bits. After I selected the coupon, I was transferred to a coupon printing site which I know from past experience to be full of nasty bugs. So no on line coupons plus frustration and a wasted hour and a half of my precious retired time. I remembered (too late for this exercise) one other time years ago when I "clipped" a lot of coupons to my Fred Meyer card. I got all the stuff, went through the checkstand, and "assumed" (my mistake) the checker had used the coupons. Not so. So I paid full price. I went to the customer service desk, where another man told me the coupons were not on my card, so I'd just have to try again another time. I went home, got the printout of the coupons and the receipt and went back to Fred Meyer. This time a nice WOMAN went through the receipt and the printout and gave me almost $50.00 back. She explained that sometimes the coupons don't get downloaded to the card right away. This was a 24 hour time period. I asked, "Where does it say that on the web site?" She didn't know. After that fiasco, you would think I'd have learned my lesson. Well, I've learned it now. And I'll run my SuperAntiSpyware program after I get done posting here today.
I cut up an orange, a Pink Lady apple, and added some green grapes. Also cut up some celery stalks and filled them with peanut butter and cheddar cheese-in-a-jar. I put the fruit in a bowl and celery in another bowl. Then during the day, as we go about our business, we snack on those instead of candy, cookies, snack crackers, etc. We really love the taste of Pink Lady apples. When we first got hooked on them, they were imported from Chile, which gave me a little twinge everytime I bought them. Now they say, "Product of U S A", so I'm happy. I got a pleasant surprise when I cut into the apple. I found two sprouted apple seeds! You know I immediately took them upstairs to the grow room and planted them in germination mix in a peat pot. That will be very exciting if they continue to grow! Wow!
On the news, there was a report of a white criminal shooting a white policeman in Idaho. Tongue-in-cheek: I didn't hear about any riots, looting, protests. Hmmmmm. Prayers appreciated for Officer Greg Moore, who is in very critical condition. I'm pleased to say the K9 unit found the shooter. Good job, K9! I realize this paragraph isn't PC, but I'm among friends.
Good quiet day today. I got some good sleep from 4:30 to 6AM. Before that, not so much. Harry has many pieces of leather that he took to be tanned over the years. I was surprised the process takes 6 to 9 months. Anyway, the young lady who lives next door is aspiring to be a costume designer. Harry gave her some leather pieces for a project. I hope we get to see the results. I wish her good luck. I think they make the big bucks. Did four loads of laundry after cleaning the drain pipe to the street by shooting water through. It's our routine: Clean the drain, do laundry. The washing machine or the dryer ate one of Harry's socks. They deny it. It might show up in the leg of jeans or sweatpants. That happens.
Cinco de Mayo passed without notice in our home.
Cold wind blowing all day, temps in the middle 60's (so they say), near freezing last night & tonight. All plants outside are on their own!
Time for more drying, folding/hanging and putting away of clothes. Harry is a Pisces, so he has lots of socks and boots/shoes for every condition/situation.
I'm grateful that we can buy all those socks and boots/shoes.
I'm grateful for Harry
I'm grateful that my back pain was less annoying today.
I'm grateful for the "things" which make life more comfortable.
God Bless
apple seeds,
fruits & veggies