May 02, 2005 16:40
So this week that the rest of the world calls finals week, but I (and I am sure many of you) call HELL is upon us. And you know what...its all the hell its cracked up to be. I hate studying. I hate that these exams are worth more than any others in the whole semester. I hate that I actually have comprehensive exams this semester. I hate that I am not even close to being ready to move. I hate that my room is really messy and that it is really distracting being in this unorganized place. I hate that I was trying to make pizza rolls and the toaster oven was on broil instead of toast and now I am scraping black stuff off my mini pizza goodness. I hate that the last party weekend of the semester didn't live up to it's expectations in my book. I hate that its only 43 degrees outside and its May, when it was 83 degrees outside in April. I hate that the stupid bookstore wouldn't buy back my PR writing book. I hate that they aren't going to buy my Spanish book...I just know it. I hate that the summer isn't going to be as good as I am hoping its going to be. I hate that I have to work two jobs in May so I can afford a new computer cause this thing is a piece of crap. And finally, I hate that I am a whiny bitch who posts shit like this. So on that note, i hope you enjoyed all my ranting about what I hate. And now I am out like a fat kid in dodge ball. Hehe...I know how that kid Off to hopefully breeze my way through my last PR writing class. YAY!!!!!!!!!