Its a girl!!!!

Jan 03, 2006 01:02

Cecilia Victoria was born at 8:55 pm Eastern Standard Time at Fort Sanders Sevier to Chris and Krista Bishop. She weighed 7 pounds and 5 ounces and was 20.5 inches. She is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. I was holding one leg and my brother was holding the other. Thats right, I was right in the mix of it. I cried. I mean, if I tear up watching puppies being born, then seeing my neice born is bound to make me cry. I held her and rocked her and she fell asleep in my arms. Everytime I heard her little cry and saw those blue eyes look at me I got misty eyed. She is so beautiful, with a head of brown, kinda curly hair. I'll post a picutre or two of her probably tomorrow.
I want to have a baby so bad, even after seening how hard and painful it is. I know I don't want a kid at the moment because I need to get out of vet school first, but it just made my desires to be a mommy that much stronger. For now, I'll settle for being a great Auntie.


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