Summer Happenings and What-Not

Jul 07, 2008 14:50

I guess it's about time for a new entry! lol I can't believe how fast summer is going! I have been thorughly enjoying myself! Having all of this time to just read and have time for myself has just been great! I've noticed that as I get older I like having alone time...but I also LOVE being around people!!! Since I posted last...I have read New Moon, and Eclipse! I liked all of the books so much I read them again! lol they are SOOOOOO good!!! and now I'm going to start up in Pride and Prejudice again! good stuff! At the end of last month, my parents, Analiese and I took a trip to Chicago! That was GREAT fun! I really enjoyed myself! I believe that good times were had by all! I will be traveling to Chicago again this week for a Cubs game! I'm really pumped about that! I'm not necessarily thrilled that Ted Lilly will be pitching...but oh well...what can you do!? lol other then the end of this month I will be going with Calyn up to see Michelle for a few days! that will be great girl bonding time! YAY! I don't really think anything else has been going on :D I'm trying not to focus on the fact that school starts next mont...oh goodness...and I also don't have any of my 120 observation hours done yet...I have until the end of the semester but I was hoping to get them done over the summer....oh well I guess...they will get done one way or the other. Well it's late and I'm just rambling now so I think I will leave it at that! :) Hope everyone has a GREAT week!
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