Title: Die Tomato
Pairing: Jamie/Damon
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own them! Though I wish I could.
Author's notes: You guys are seriously going to hate me...I took 23 years to write this, and it's short as FUCK.
Summary: His damn hands.
CH.4 (Pt.1)
Damon gripped hard onto Jamie’s hips. He stopped everything that he was doing, and just stared at his mate.
Had Jamie really just suggested what he thought he did?
Damon slowly brought his hand up to Jamie’s cheek.
“Jamie…look at me.” Damon rubbed his thumb down the artist’s nose.
Jamie looked up, searching Damon’s eyes for any answer that might being lying within them. Disappointed that he couldn’t read the icy blues, he did the only thing he could do. Smile.
A mirroring smile slowly crept onto the singer’s face.
Jamie started to giggle, than it grew into a steady laugh.
Damon snorted, and started to laugh as well. He doubled over, leaning into Jamie’s chest.
Jamie snickered as he grabbed each side of Damon’s head in his hands. Continuing to giggle, he rubbed Damon’s face from side to side across his clothed chest.
“Motorboat me Dames!” He then roared with laughter and pulled Damon’s face away.
Damon covered his mouth with his hand, he was laughing so hard, that no sounds could escape from his throat.
Jamie flopped over on the sofa, his head thrown back and his knees up to his chest. He could not stop laughing. He didn’t even know why they had started giggling in the first place, but his mind was so far from reality he couldn’t even care.
Damon’s laughter started to die down. He leaned forward, and tried to rest his elbows on his knees, than realized that Jamie was still half on top of him. He chuckled to himself, and reached over Jamie’s legs to grab the remote control to the TV.
“Sometimes Jamie, sometimes…” He glanced over to his friend, who had one arm resting across his forehead, and a big smile still plastered on his face. He slapped one of Jamie’s thighs that were still in his lap, and squeezed gently. He absent-mindedly started to rub in small circles, while he flipped through the stations on the telly.
Jamie turned his head toward the glowing box, arm still resting on his forehead. He was quite enjoying Damon’s soothing motions on his thigh. He brought his other hand up to his mouth, and coughed twice. An uncomfortable tightness was starting to grow in his trousers, and Damon didn’t seem to realize.
Without taking his eyes off the TV, he slowly reached for Damon’s moving hand. He grabbed onto it, and saw Damon turn his head towards him, out of the corner of his eye. He gulped silently, as he dragged Damon’s hand up his thigh.
Damon didn’t show any signs of protest or hesitation. He might have even pressed his hand a bit harder into Jamie’s thigh as the other man dragged his hand across his body. He glanced back and forth between his and Jamie’s intertwined fingers, and Jamie’s unchanging face. The artist didn’t even take one look at the other man.
Damon’s palm finally rested on top of Jamie’s bulge.
All it took was one pleading glance from Jamie, and Damon reached to undo his friend’s belt. He brought both his hands to the buckle, working it open quickly, than unbuttoning the tight jeans. Before he slid the zipper down, he looked up at Jamie, but the other man still had his face turned towards the television.
“I’m not doing anything until you look at me, love.”
Jamie’s eyes immediately snapped towards Damon.
He smirked, and then whispered, “Did you just call me love?”
Damon dropped his head, so his forehead was resting on Jamie’s boney hip. He placed a gentle kiss where the skin was peaking from under his shirt. He lifted his head, replacing his forehead with his chin, and looked up at Jamie.
He smiled as his eyes drooped close for a second. Tilting his head, his eyes fluttered open.
“I-I-I s’pose I did, yes.” He shrugged, than without waiting for Jamie to say anything else, he placed his stubbly cheek against the artist’s hip, and started to slide down the zipper on his jeans.
Jamie looked down through half lidded eyes, his arm was still resting on his forehead. He lifted it, and hesitantly reached towards Damon. He finally let himself place his nimble fingers on the side of the singer’s neck. He let a silent sigh escape from his throat. He didn’t know how much affection he was allowed to show, how much love Damon was willing to take. Jamie knew how much love he, himself was willing to give. Every ounce he had in his body was now directed towards the man that was wrapped around him.
He swallowed the lump that was rising in his throat, he couldn’t let his emotions get the best of him. Not now anyway.
Damon sat himself up, and grabbed the hem of Jamie’s jeans, on either side of his body. Jamie lifted his hips in the air, letting his pants be pulled down his legs, and off of his body.
The blonde threw the pants onto the floor, and turned back to the man on top of him.
“Are you sure you want this Jamie?” He slowly started to slide his rough hand up Jamie’s naked thigh. He could feel the goose bumps starting to rise as he got closer to the area he so badly wanted to touch.
Jamie reached for Damon’s hand again, and like he did earlier, placed it on his boxer-clad member.
And with a hiss of pleasure, he gave Damon the final signal.