So life has taken an unexpected turn.. 4 years ago, in August 2003, my boyfriend of 4 years and I broke up. Four years, an abusive relationship (on my end), and one upcoming divorce (on his end) later, we're back together.
It's been great so far. The thing I love most about him is his sense of humor. We "get" each other. Numerous people have said to us, "It's like you guys are in your own little world, filled with inside jokes, and no one else gets you." And his family has said things to him like, "We're so happy for you. You guys just 'click' so well."
Oh! We have these fun little games.. Example: We LOVE making other people feel awkward. So one of the games we play in public is when we walk by the kiosks in the mall, and the people try to stop us to show the product, we just stare at them and keep walking slowly away..
Good times.
We're going to start taking salsa dancing lessons soon, which I am super pumped about. He may even join his sister and I for country line dancing lessons too. And when I can find out where they have them, we want to take some cooking lessons together.
Watch out, 'cause we're the next Donny and Marie Osmond...
...Um, without the whole incest thing.
Moving on, work is great. I've been here for almost 11 months. 30k annually and my own office isn't bad at all. I don't plan on being here forever, so for now, and while I am in school, you can't beat it.
My new apartment is coming along - FABULOUS -. However; Designing the new apartment is hard task for Jamie. When Jamie decides on a theme for a room, Jamie is a dangerous woman. She starts buying all sorts of crap and referring to herself in the third person. I swear, I furnished my whole apartment, like, in one month. I still need to get that dining room set I want, referred to
here. I'll do that as soon as I get my taxes back.
Let's see... what else... Oh! I got my hair did done. Here's a crappy phone picture of it:
I got some low-lights to make my hair a little darker for the winter. I absolutely love it.
And that's where I stand right now. :)
Life is awesome. ::le sigh:: ♥