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Aug 10, 2006 11:36

okey day... ewwww channelling that stupid animated thing in Star Wars...start again ( Read more... )

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dm_p August 10 2006, 02:40:54 UTC
Actually, I don't picture faces, I picture features. There's no one specific person who fits the profile as Harry or Draco to me...Not even Tom or Dan. I myself don't even have a clear picture of 'my' Harry and Draco. I see Draco's hands when I write him moving them...I see his eyebrow raising...see him sneering. I never actually see his a person in their entirety.

And I have no idea if that made any sense at all. It's the same with all the characters, really. (The closest one to the movie would be Lucius, because OMG Jason Isaacs is made of sex.)


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 02:50:10 UTC
Yeah, it does make sense actually. I like that way. :) Very clever.

And bah, I hate Lucius and I don't like Jason Isaacs either. He is definitely Lucius to me, so I feel very comfortable with hating him. Sorry, can't love everyone now, can I?



dm_p August 10 2006, 02:52:30 UTC
It's very easy to look at fanart, and when they cast characters it's like, "Oh, alright then. *Shrugs*. I don't even see characters when I read books.

Yes, Lucius is a love 'em or hate 'em sort of bloke. The vast majority hate him, so I'll give him a bit of a


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 02:58:39 UTC
I love a lot of fanart, some people have amazing talent that I can appreciate as talent even though I might not like what they have drawn.


cyn_ful August 10 2006, 02:57:46 UTC
alright that's it. i still haven't seen brokeback mountain. Now i'm the last person!! Although your review is the first that I have seen broken down that much. It is always, I love it so much because, blah blah blah. It is nice to see another side.

Draco in my it totally depends. Tom very rarely comes into my head when I think of Draco. It truly depends on the personality of the piece and then I just create him in my head...

Harry, I can picture older, but for some reason, I never truly picture him as anything. It could be because I always write from his perspective, so I am looking out through his eyes and don't actually see him.


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 03:07:27 UTC
I've seen a few that haven't liked it much, but not many. I kept thinking that if it was a story about a man and a woman, the man would be so much more emotional or something. Men treat women differently and the lack of that sort of treatment in this film makes it obvious that men treat women differently because they're women and not because they love them. Which sucks if you're a woman. It would have been, should have been, a great love story, but they hid this in BBM at great detriment to the film as a whole, I thought.

I, too, write from Harry's perspective mostly, and do that, too, but when I read him, I see Dan.


cyn_ful August 23 2006, 03:08:45 UTC
ahhh, the joys of not checking your email for a week because of stress at work...

It really does stink how men treat women differently. You can even see it in everyday life. I can sit back at work and just watch the interactions. I work at a University, so I get canidates everywhere, and amazingly enough, quite a few of our "slashers." In the boy/girl relationship, he will be all sweet and disgusting *gags* and show that he cares for her (mostly they are just in it for the sex right now). When the boy/boy comes into the office, they barely touch, and won't look the other in the eye. It is like they are still hiding it from themselves even though everyone else can see it. Granted, i pick up on it more because I just love all the slashy goodness it can bring. The weird part is that even those that are "out" act the same way. They don't walk around holding hands or showing any affection at all...yet with a female one would have to be all over her.

I'm just rambling...don't mind me. I still have to see the movie.


physixxx August 10 2006, 03:02:49 UTC
Who do you see?

ahhh, my eternal question. someone posted their Draco images over on a post i did when i found an older-Dan look-a-like here.

i have a hard time finding non-movie!Potters.

for an upcoming fic, see my icon... that's who i envision. except Boyd-as-Draco... that was done because i haven't seen an adequate Draco yet.

there's this guy... his face is pointy enough, i've used him before, he's not too pretty... i actually like him as a draco... but he's a real person (as opposed to a star) and doesn't post pics much on his myspace.... so, i'm still looking.

... )


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 03:10:53 UTC
I think I saw your Dan look alike and that's what prompted the discussion I was having with someone. I agree he does look a lot like an older dan.

Draco on the other hand...this pic is good, really good. Bit rough and ready round the edges for how I like Draco, but young enough, great body and terrific jawline.


physixxx August 10 2006, 03:36:06 UTC
Draco on the other hand...this pic is good, really good. Bit rough and ready round the edges for how I like Draco, but young enough, great body and terrific jawline.

i think it's the chin that does it for me. Boyd simply isn't pointy enough. And, sorry, you don't round out when you're already almost 17 and still pointy, unless you're pushing 40 or getting fat. i've never seen it happen... the other problem is that all of this guy's pics are him wearing far clothes that are far too plain for DM, unless you're making a DM-drunk-and-slumming-it fic.


if I drew better i'd just cheat and use him as a template.


physixxx August 10 2006, 03:23:35 UTC
PS Jamie Hatchett makesa good Draco, save for his overbite.

but if folks can stand Tom Felton's speech impediment, then ....


thebellman August 10 2006, 03:32:36 UTC
Pretty well all of Philip K Dick's books are odd - he was a very odd man, with very odd ideas that have to be thoroughly disassembled and reassembled in order to turn them into movies. Can I recommend, though, Something Wicked This Way Comes


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 04:18:17 UTC
Yes, I read a little about him and he does seem quite odd, lol. I have thought about getting that book, though and I might. Thanks for the suggestion.


furiosity August 10 2006, 03:56:37 UTC
Hmm, I see what you're saying about BBM but you can't exactly divorce the characters from the time and setting in which the story takes place in favour of the romance. Annie Proulx's story is set in a time and place where it absoultely was not okay for grown men to express deeply felt emotions in an uninhibited way. I mean, even nowadays it's not exactly okay to do that, and it's hard to pull off the mask society forces on people even in private.

So I'm not sure what exactly you're criticising. I get that it wasn't the movie you wanted, but there are lots of other gay-focussed films; the one I can think of right off the top of my head that sort of fits the bill is the Canadian low-budget Sugar (which is a lesser cousin of My Own Private Idaho, come to think of it). I suppose what I'm saying is that if you're going in to see a film about gay cowboys, you gotta be prepared for the cowboys, not just the gay, you know ( ... )


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 04:13:46 UTC
No, I agree that the story is set in a time when it was not the done thing for men to be expressing their feelings in an uninhibited way - however, I think my point may have been that if it was a heterosexual love story, the man would have been more emotional. In some of the best love stories of the 60's or 70's, the men in them were men, and yet had a healthy emotional range and not that of a teaspoon. Take Love Story, or Sunshine...pretty sappy romantic and angsty movies, but heavy on the love angle which is what this was supposed to be, right? A sweeping grand tale of love. A narrative that we're all familiar with - only the two lovers are male. For a mainstream movie to cop out of that was, to me, disappointing. To neglect to use the opportunity to educate...oh ok thats a whole other kettle of fish and not one I should get into. It just felt wasted to me. To have the opportunity to introduce a part of society and love into a community that needs to see how 'normal' it is, and not take it was deflating. No, it's not their ( ... )


furiosity August 10 2006, 04:25:54 UTC
That's a very good point, actually -- that in a hetero romance, the man is quite likely to behave romantically. Though I've never seen Love Story or Sunshine. I think with BBM, Ang Lee was just trying to follow the short story on which the movie is based, where the emotions were actively suppressed by both characters (but you got an idea of them being there because they were described through words). I didn't like it mostly because it didn't follow the short story to the letter and as a result ended up feeling disjointed (and despite the trying, Lee obvs. failed). That, and I hated Heath's performance a lot more than I let on above. I mean, Keanu Reeves would've done a better job than that.


jamie2109 August 10 2006, 04:34:09 UTC
That's the difference between the written word and the film genre. And perhaps why a lot of women prefer written erotica than visual porn. Perhaps a woman writing the screenplay from the book might have done a more thorough job of it.

Heath Ledger was flat and uninteresting, even getting past the way he spoke and the way he walked like he had something long and hard shoved up his arse - hah -


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