Let's see

Jan 10, 2006 20:54

Ok... another update...

Back from the break.. and wow.. what a break it was. Just being home with family, back into the whole arguing, yelling, and blaming crap. I dunno, I dont think my family will ever change. It was Christmas too... TImes like those are the times that make me glad that I am out of the house and living my life my way and following my dreams. Families can be so hectic, but I guess I cant say that I havent learned from it all.

Anyway, this semester looks like it is going to be pretty good. Busy as all hell, but thats how it goes. Im really hoping good things come out of this semester though. FOr a long time now, I have been in kind of a slump that I cant seem to get out of. A lot of it Im sure had to do with not thinking straight. But the break gave me a lot of time to sit back and think about things. Im not going to go into details, but Im just hoping this semester goes well and good things happen for all.

There are a lot of things coming up in the semester. Winter Workout is comming up in early February, which I know will be a blast. Have a lot of students/friends going so that is always a good thing. In March, we have the Ryu Ken Classic tourny, which is always a plus. My surgery is supposed to be a go for Spring Break, but I will believe that when Im laying on the damn hospital bed... blah. Sometime this semester, I will be doing an internship at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival in Montgomery. It will be tough getting from here to there, but it can be done. THe good thing is that I will still be here pretty much just as much... so of course I will still be able to hang out and have fun (still have a life... lol :) )

ok, now that I have pretty much restated everthing that I said in many previous journals... Im going to shut up.

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