Back in the soundbooth!

May 09, 2008 21:41

It's Springforth so I'm sitting in the soundbooth once again. I'm listening to some guy talk to the high schoolers about sex. What fun... I knew I'd be sitting here bored, so I brought lappy along with me.
I got my marks today. I made A- in 2Sam and A in Greek! 
And I just almost risked my life over a doorstop, fighting my way through hundreds of teenagers from one side of the auditorium to the other.
It's been a while since my last post, and I guess a lot of things have happened.
I wrote exams. I really enjoyed the 2Sam exam. I felt really prepared and wrote a lot.
My Greek exam makes an interesting story. I scheduled with Bodner (my Samuel prof) to write my exam on a Monday morning at 11:30. Briercrest had faxed the exam to Bodner Friday evening, so he had it in plenty of time. I showed up on time, went into a room and began writing. I made it to the last page and I remembered something... The syllabus said that most of the exam was going to be on a specific passage which I studied quite well. I looked at the front page and it said 'Midterm' and I'm like oh frig. I just wasted about an hour writing something I already wrote. So I call Briercrest and tell them what's wrong and they say they'll fax the right one immediately. So I wait... 10 min... 15 min... 20 min... finally I call them again and they said they sent it 20 min ago. So they say they'll try it again. And I wait another 5 min... Finally I take a look at the fax machine and the error light is flashing. They fix it and 2 copies of the exam comes out. So finally around 1:00 I get to write the exam. But I did well and I'm glad to be done!
I've still been working at Sobeys... with an insufficient amount of hours. I really hope my church gets the grants this summer and I get accepted to work there. I have another option which is accepting a grant for CEF. Also, I hope I can make it in to the BEd program here next year. If I don't make any of that, I'm definitely looking for different employment. Tara suggests I work at Rogers with her, so I might...
Brad Silliker wanted you all to know that I'm talking with him and his witty banter. (Yes I know that sentence doesn't make sense, but he said it)
Anyway, that's all I have to say now I guess, so until next time, this is JamesyWamesy signing off.

work, school, me

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