Last soundbooth post... ever?

Apr 09, 2008 22:29

So you may (but probably not) have noticed that I'm posting later than usual. That's because there's only one team practicing tonight: Andrew's team from 10-11. Only one team practicing means tomorrow is the last worship chapel of the year. And that means no more Wednesday night rehearsals. And that means no more soundbooth posts this year. And I still haven't decided if I'm going to continue in my role as A/V tech next year so I may no longer be in the soundbooth. We'll see what I decide in a couple months. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Gotta love the warm weather we're finally getting. I had my bike out today to reinflate the tires and take a spin around the neighbourhood. I mostly wanted to see how long it would take me to bike 6km (which is the distance to work) and I think I may start biking to work to save gas.

Speaking of work and warm weather, what am I doing this summer you may ask? Well I have 3 options before me: If the church offers the same jobs as last year I'll apply for that. The second option is working with Child Evangelism Fellowship again, but if that doesn't pay enough, I'll just stay at Sobeys all summer and maybe pick up some more hours.

Other news this week: Happy Birthday to Tara and Mom. Andrea had a cool surprise party for Tara. Unfortunately I worked late and so I showed up to the party quite late, but oh well, not much to be done about that. Mom invited me home for supper on her birthday. The old woman turned 49 on Monday. And speaking of birthday's, CJ turns 1 on the 27th!

Otherwise it's been a pretty simple week with the regular church, youth group, running club, etc. So until next time (probably after exams sometime) this is JamesyWamesy signing off.


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