Gakked from:
hc_godess The deal is to post your first reaction to each of the things below. No taking time to think about it and no changing answers!
1. Cigarettes: smoke
2. Sex: yes
3. Relationships: no
4. Your Last Ex: dumb
5. Power rangers: pink
6. Marijuana: pot
7. Crack: pipe
8. Food: munch
9. This President: there
10. War: what is it good for?
11. Cars: gas
12. Gas Prices: 2.75
13. Halloween: weekends
14. Bon Jovi: New Jersey
15. Religion: cross
16. MySpace: confused
17. Worst Fear: lonliness
18. Marriage: sci-fi
19. Fashion: show
20. Brunettes: Charlotte
21. redheads: Hope
22: Work: procrastinate
23: Pass the time: away
24. One night stands: tramp
25. cellphones: tumor
26: Pet Peeves: annoyance
27: Pixie Stixx: cavity
28: Vanilla Ice Cream: caramel
29: Porta Potties: yucky
30: High school: hell
31: Pajamas: clothes
32. Wood: smell
33. Surfers: Jersey Boy
34. Pictures: smile
35. First True Love: wonder
Will post about my two times at Pirates of the Caribbean tomorrow sometime, I just don't have the energy to type a well-written post now. In the mean time, go take my quiz to see how well you know me!