Feb 02, 2006 21:09
Well, after my rather pessimistic post about not having anything interesting happening in my life, several things happened all in a rather short period of time. So, I figured I'd bring you all up to date on that.
1. The Tartan Terrors are coming back to Faire. [sighs] Thank-goodness for that; I was worried.
2. On a sadder note, my first-year college roommate died. I just found out about it this week even though it happened back in September. She was a sweet little person, who put up with a lot from me. She was always very happy, very positive, very easy-going. She was adorable, too. Tiny, blonde, curly hair, a cheerleader. [That is pretty much why we didn't get along too well; we got along, just not well.] I'm very sorry that she's gone. As cliche as it sounds she was young, full of life, and had a promising future. It was most definitely a tragedy.
3. Now for one that combines both emotions:
I subbed for a teacher for about 2-1/2 weeks back in October while she was on her honeymoon. I got a phone call earlier today from the sub caller from that school. Apparently this teacher is pregnant and she's having complications which require emergency surgery, of which the recouperative time is a month, minimum---4 weeks. [that's sad] She requested me because I did such a great job while she was away the first time. She's a very [self-admitted] anal person and I really followed her system well, grasped the content knowledge, and, too, was well-liked with the kids. [happy] She is scheduled for surgery Monday, and tomorrow I go in to see her so she can give me lesson plans, gradebook info, etc. See what I mean, bad for her, good for me. :/
That's pretty much everything. It wasn't as much as it seemed earlier when I thought to myself, "Gee, I have an awful lot of news; I should write it in LJ." Figures.
The song I dedicate to Angela, as it was one of her favorites when I knew her.
Angela Marie Gentile-Snyder
6/3/80 - 9/10/05