The film wasn't very good at all.
Not terrible, and far from a catastrophe, but I just wasn't interested in it. It was about this guy called Rocco, who gets hired by a mysterious rich man to watch over his dead daughter for a night. Various catastrophes happen during the night, and the story of how the daughter died is gradually revealed. The trouble is, none of it's very interesting. The Terrible Truth about the daughter's death is that she was driven to suicide by the father. This could have been interesting, were it not for the fact that the reveal is spread over two hours and, really, apart from things being exactly as they at first appeared, there's no other way she could have died than "the father was involved".
Also, the various events that happen during the night are pretty tedious. The rich guy's son turns up with some good-time girls, overdoses on heroin and Rocco takes him to hospital. Rocco leaves his post for no reason and talks to a pretty waitress who inexplicably falls in love with him, and they go clubbing. Rocco' partner abandons his job (for which he's being paid 1000 euros for a night's work!) and goes driving about in a car with a sexy lady (there's no indication of where that sexy lady was supposed to come from, actually). At the end, a guy turns up with a baby and a gun, the baby turns out to be the dead girl's daughter, and all is revealed. Rocco delivers the baby to its biological father, and drives off into the hills with the dead girl to bury her where she always wanted to be buried. Apparently, this represents some kind of emotional journey for Rocco who, at the start of the film, didn't show any interest in life. It's unclear, however, just why the dead girl aroused so much interest in him. She was pretty... apart from that, though, he knew nothing about her. Perhaps he was a necrophile. Huh.
Much more interesting than the film was my encounter with a slightly gruff old man just outside the cinema. I was waiting for Anna to arrive, and studying my Financial Management passcards on the pavement, when I became conscious of a whiskery presence at my elbow. It was a white-haired man in a leather jacket, with an enormous camera around his neck.
"You here for the premier?" he asked.
"I'm here for I Am Alive," I replied, unsure. this was the first time I'd heard this was the premier, and I started to wonder whether I was appropriately dressed. Would Anna turn up in a cocktail dress?
"Well, you're early," he said, and paused. I returned to Financial Management (having a mock tomorrow).
"I don't suppose," the old man said, "you know any of the cast? Or the directors?"
"Errr... no."
"Oh." Disappointment. "It's just that I've got to take some photographs. Do you know what any of them look like?"
And there the conversation ended.