Hello, world

Apr 06, 2005 02:25

Well, it's 2:25 am, I'm mildly worried about my future, so what better time to create a new LiveJournal with which to share my anxieties with the world?

Seeing as you ("you" being the mythical creature who's actually going to read this thing) may well have never met me (and even if you have met me, there's not many clues as to my identity in what I've written so far. Err, apart from my name. That was kind of a giveaway) I'd better introduce myself. My name's James, I'm 24 years old and I'm a 3rd year Genetics PhD student (hence the worries about my future) who lives in Nottingham. Five of the six years I've spent in this city have been spent well and truly submerged in the Nottingham University Gilbert & Sullivan Society, culminating in this year, when I decided to direct the musical Ruddigore. The show opened in March, ran for five shows, was triumphantly received by all and then was over, leaving a black hole in my life that would not look out of place in Calcutta. In an attempt to fill this hole, I decided to get writing something, anything, and what better way to stimulate the writing process than to get to work on a LiveJournal? So here I am, sitting in a Moose Drool t-shirt and pyjama shorts, all too aware of the fact that I have a meeting with my boss in seven and a half hours time, a meeting in which I will be expected to convince him that I've made some progress in converting the program I've spent much of my PhD simulating bacterial evolution with from Perl into C. It's funny how these things work out, isn't it?

I ought to mention my PhD too. It's rubbish. There, that's that out of the way.

Now, let me see. I need to find a way to wrap up this post. How's about a completely gratuitous list of things that I like? Yes, that ought to do it... So, in no particular order: Gilbert & Sullivan, Stephen Sondheim, Charles Dickens, P.G. Wodehouse, Doctor Who (isn't the new series the best thing since... well, the old series?), Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Earl Grey, real ale, people who aren't arseholes, the phrase "cocking pigshit", the phrase "whatever you do, don't do a PhD", Scrabble, Neil Gaiman, Ealing comedies, Sid (I'll explain later), my friends, who are almost all brilliant (whether I mean that almost all of them are brilliant, or that all of them are always brilliant, I will leave as an exercise to the astute reader), single malt whisky and b3ta.


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