Feb 10, 2010 20:06
So Jack is almost seven months old, and still sleeps almost like a newborn. He wakes up every couple of hours, has a bottle, and goes back to sleep. I'd say I've adjusted to this pretty well, but I'm still exhausted and it's time to try something else. I've decided to try letting him "cry it out". My mom is away at my sister's house and I figured it'd be a good time to try it, because I know hearing Jack cry is devastating to her. So far though, it seems to be going pretty well. At 7pm, I changed Jack's diaper, got him into his PJs and rocked him a few minutes. Then, I put him in his crib, said good night and left the room. He started crying. I had my stopwatch rightby and watched as the minutes went by. Having the stopwatch was really helpful because it made me realize, even though it felt like Jack was crying for hours, it was really only a couple minutes. After five minutes, I went in and comforted him briefly, let him know I love him and left again. This time, I was supposed to wait ten minutes before going in again. At around seven minutes, he started quieting down and when I went in at ten minutes just to check, he was asleep! I couldn't believe it! I was prepared for this to go a lot longer and to be a lot more difficult. Now I'll just have to see how long he stays asleep. I'll probably feed him once during the night, just since he's used to it, but from what I read, he should be able to go at least eight hours without eating. Oh man, I think I'd pee my pants if Jack slept through the night. We'll see...