Well, it's 2 AM and I'm not sleeping because the half hour nap I took this afternoon lasted from 6:30-9:30pm. I felt groggy when I woke up so I thought I'd be able to get to sleep again soon. WRONG! Oh well.
I found this pregnancy survey on a blog I visit frequently and figured it might be fun.
How did you find out you were pregnant? By taking a home pregnancy test, of course. I did have a feeling before that I was pregnant though.
What kind of Pregnancy test did you take? EPT.
How many? 1 twin pack, which is 2 tests. Both were positive.
What were your 1st symptoms? Sore boobs. Hands down.
Who did you tell first? My boyfriend.
Who was with you when you found out? I was alone and was a complete mess after seeing the positive sign.
My 1st reaction: Not good. Crying, shaking, and freaking out. And not in a “I’m excited to be pregnant” kind of way either.
Was your baby planned? Nope. Biggest surprise of my (our) life.
When was the baby conceived? Mid-November, right before I went to Philadelphia. The fact that I could have conceived in Philly kind of freaked Kyle out at first. I think once Kyle sees his little boy, there'll be no doubt in his mind.
How far were you when you found out? 3.5 weeks, even before my missed period. Pregnancy tests have gotten good!
How did your parents react? Super excited. A little nervous, as Kyle and my relationship was a little unstable at that point, but super supportive nonetheless.
My baby
Due Date: August 12, 2009
Do you know the sex? A fabulous little boy
Any names? Jaxen (Jack) James Davis
Any Ultrasounds? One at 6 weeks and another one at 17 weeks (found out the sex). My physician doesn't do routine ultrasounds so I probably won't get anymore unless there's something wrong (fingers crossed).
Have you heard the heart beat? Of course we have! We hear it at every appointment and I never tire of it.
Who do you think it will look like? Since he’s a boy, I think he’ll look a lot like Kyle.
Will the baby have siblings? He’ll have two big "brothers" (our cats).
Have you felt the baby move? Duh. He moves all of the time. Best. Feeling. In. The. World.
Did you have morning sickness? Ugh, yes. Awful and made me think that this pregnancy better be worth it. (Of course it was worth it looking back now.)
Did you have any cravings? I’ve basically lived off of cereal, cheetos, eggs, pickles and chocolate creme pies.
Did you have any mood swings? Ha! All of the time. I’ve been a real b!tch at times and I’ll be the first to admit it. I am happy to say that it seems like I haven’t had any bad mood swings lately; I’m seeming a lot more needy and lovey instead. Weird switch for sure.
Are you a high risk pregnancy? Nope.
Any complications? Nope.
Formula or Breastfeeding? I’m going to try to be all about the boob. I know it’s best, so I will definitely try it and hope that it works.
Have you bought anything for the baby yet? Yep. He has just about everything he needs.
When did you start to show? I think around 17 weeks. That was me trying to push my belly out though.
How long could you wear your regular clothes? I started wearing a few maternity things at 13 weeks for the sheer comfort factor. I definitely didn’t have a baby bump that early, but I was bloated and opted for comfort. Best decision.
Will you keep the baby’s clothes? I haven’t thought about this. I guess we will until we are finished having kids.
Home or Hospital? Hospital. I wanted the hospital experience initially, but I think that we’ll go a different route the next time around. I think the calmness and not so hospital-y intervention of the alternative will suit me better.
Natural or Medicated birth? I would like to try natural, but am completely open to the epidural if it's too painful. So basically, I'll be having the epidural.
Who will be in the delivery room with you? My darling boyfriend, unless he passes out.
Do you think you will need a C-section? I sure hope not. I also hope that it all happens when the baby is ready to come out. Not a fan of being induced either.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the 1st time? Of course I will. I cry at everything and I cannot imagine not crying when I hold my baby in my arms for the first time. I’m looking forward to it for sure!
What’s the 1st thing you might say to the baby? Haven’t thought about this. Maybe “Hi Jack, I’m your mom and I’m glad to meet you.”
Will you let anyone video tape the birth? I would love Kyle to tape it, but we'll see what happens.
Are you excited? While this seems like such a dumb and quite obvious question, yes I am. Now. There was a point when I made a shift to the excitement phase because it wasn’t always there. Well, maybe it was, but the scared feelings outweighed the excited feelings. Now I can say that I am really excited to be a mom, meet my son, see my boyfriend with our son, and have a new addition to our family.
Who will help you with the baby after the birth? My mom will stay with us for however long we need her. Or get sick of each other and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
What is your favorite thing about being pregnant? Feeling the baby move. I love it!
What is the worst thing about being pregnant? Where should I start? Feeling large, morning sickness, peeing all of the time, migraines, lots more hair on my legs, armpits, and belly, pregnancy brain, and I’ll stop there.
What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant? Happy hour.
Any days you wish you were not pregnant? Of course not.
Are you ready for a baby? I think so! Ready as we’ll ever be :)
Do you have insurance? Thank God for Medicaid.
How many kids do you want? We’ll see how the first one goes. Ideally I’d like a boy and a girl and am willing to try up to 4 kids to get a girl.
Do you talk to the baby? Eh, not really. I rub "him" and I talk to him occasionally when he's kicking a lot/hard. I have told him I love him a few times.
Do you still feel attractive? I always thought that I would embrace pregnancy and have a glow to me that was apparent to everyone. That seems to be the case most days. I feel very lucky.
Have you had your baby shower yet? Two weeks ago. It was wonderful. Also found out today that the people at the Listening Ear are throwing me another one in two weeks.
Do you like kids? Some kids. In general I think they can be cute, but as a server, I'm definitely aware of kids I would not want to have to parent.
How far along are you now? 34 weeks and counting…
All done! Slightly more tired, maybe I'll try sleep again. Oh, here's a photo of me for those not on Facebook. It was taken about a week ago.