Title: There's A Hole In Your Soul
candycentric - AKA Cc
Pairing: Alec/Other, Max/Alec,
Rating: PG? ish?
Type: one-shot, for now
Word Count: 350
Warnings: Eh, this is sorta bleak, I'll be honest. Not my usual crack! or feel good fic.
Prompt: Like the majority of the fic ideas lately, this one, too, came from a song. However, by the time I got around to putting it to paper I forgot what song gave me the idea! I liked this line from a Depeche Mode song and thought it might work instead.
Disclaimer: Dark Angel is not mine, I just like to pretend. Sadly not making any money off this. 'A Pain That I'm Used To' is also not mine and belongs to Depeche Mode.
A/N: Wrote this a while back. I kind of have a picture of what world this might belong in, but you know me. Don't hold your breath for anything else. But, you never know...
Summary: There's something wrong with him, but it's okay. There's something wrong with her, too. Maybe that's why they can't stay away from each other.
Right this way. . .