100 Years of National Awakening

May 20, 2008 21:20

Just watch the celebration of 100 years of national awakening program on TV, boy am I glad to be an Indonesian ^ ^
With so many cultures and differences, Indonesia is one of the most unique countries in the world. This year Indonesia is launching "Visit Indonesia 2008".

The travel warnings are bullshit. In reality Indonesia is as save as other country could be. Come visit, you won't be disappointed I'm sure XD

I feel like contributing something to celebrate this day, so here are some doodles :

Tobacco Dancer from Toraja, Celebes, Indonesia
I Like Toraja, the girls are beautiful and the place has unique atmosphere that is enchanting ^ ^

Baris Dancer, Bali, Indonesia
This is my favorite dance from Bali. I don't know why but the dancer (usually male) looks so gorgeous and strong yet supple in the same time.
And what do you know? Drawing dancing pose could increase your ability a lot XD

Hope you like it! (and come visit Indonesia) XD

Btw, I just got this song (see music title below) I look for a long time from minarri, thank you so much honey!!! X3

Now, if only I could get the entire album download somewhere..... (FYI It's CHAGE and ASKA VERY BEST ROLL OVER 20TH)
Does anybody know where? :(

art, indonesia, original

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