A little update for doujin order status :
* Untuk pembeli dari Indonesia, semua doujinshi akan dikirim serentak Kamis, 3 Desember 2009. Sampai kurang lebih Jumat esok harinya atau selambat-lambatnya hari Senin.
* For international buyers, all doujinshis will be sent Friday, 4th December 2009. Depends on where you reside, it will take about 2 weeks - 1 month for it to arrive in your place. Thank you for your patience. ^ ^
And now :
Meet-up Selling Rendez-vouz
This is for those who reside in Jakarta.
Where : Plaza Senayan, Starbucks in front of Kinokuniya Bookstore, 5th floor.
When : Saturday 5th December 2009, around 16.15-20.00
or beyond that since idk fangirling times anyone?
What to bring: IDR 50k for doujin payment.
Dress code: duile ngga penting kali! XD
This is my contact number : 0817806151
call that number in case of emergency.
Okay then, see you all there! ;D