Well I can't help it

Nov 18, 2009 02:43

I got totally over-enthusiastic after reading ctcsherry's post about The Age of Discovery here.
Oooh girl, you really hit the spot so good! ♥ Like what I've been spazzing over a chat with youkofujima XD

And suddenly, I have the urge to draw 17th century!Netherlands ♥♥♥

Dude got crazy fashion style at 17th century, it's totally rad.

Like, what the sheet?!

I bet those guys at the Sultanate of Aceh felt really amused when their delegations came to Aceh at early 17th century with nice intentions to gain good political support and way to opening new spices trade with him. (Also clearing up gossips about them being barbaric and homeless hobo which Portugal and Spain seemed really love to tell the natives)

what he said.

Not many people knew about this, but the Sultanate of Aceh (present day Aceh province in Indonesia) was among the first countries/kingdoms to recognize Netherlands independence from Spain.....only to find himself being annexed by him in less than three centuries later. O Netherlands!

Also, sex face meme! Damn you guys at my flists who've done it so good, you've successfully made me want to do it too!


Since I'm in the mood for drawing one of them QQ (Also, the future post will be locked for those who haven't reach 18 yet in my flists, bb)

Btw, it's too bad I couldn't catch up with your last livestreaming youkofujima, I was taking a nap while waiting for the time and what do you know? When I woke up it's already 2 AM! Harr harr and the next thing I did after waking up? Went back to sleep until 8 AM! Ahahahaha NOOOO MY BIOLOGICAL CLOCK IS RUINED!!!
Now I still haven't witnessed your infamous godspeed drawing everybody keeps talking to.

art, netherlands, poll, east indies company madness

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