At least one thing is done -_-;;

Oct 13, 2009 21:19

ASEAN profiles are up in hutan_bulan!

C&C please, I'd like to know your thoughts about it, and please correct me if I got anything wrong?
From here on I would update all my webcomics and Gakuen ASEAN related stuff in hutan_bulan though, so if you're interested please watch the community to get the latest update. ;D

Btw, here, have a Halloween party meme that's on a rage in lj universe lately:

jali_jali's Halloween party:

aibachyderu dressed as Ichabod Crane, the schoolmaster from Sleepy Hollow.

arashiyukawa dressed as a junior corporate spy department head honcho.

baka_bokun dressed as Woodrow Wilson.

bathosroyale dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Profound Artist.

bluef0x dressed as a pitcher for the Mets.

bobdelilah dressed as a character from "Platoon".

capuccino85 dressed as a monster from a Super Mario game.

ch1zuru dressed as Anna Nicole Smith.

chikapus dressed as Charlie Palmer's grandmother.

chopinston dressed as the Governor of Delaware.

cleartempest dressed as Nosferatu the Supreme Vampire.

corps dressed as Osama bin Laden.

emlan gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Joanna.

eyelushtraitor dressed as the Viscount of VelmaVillage.

festivewind dressed as the equator.

frappetique dressed as legendary space hero Buck Manmuscle.

imbrifer dressed as Mary Queen of Scots ... without her head. Most convincing.

insomniel dressed as the Social Power Ranger.

kasugai_gummie dressed as Amanda Bynes riding a hedgehog.

kenichi_bokushi dressed as a new superhero: Micro- Goliath.

kitmun dressed as a very fake witch-doctor complete with a collection of shrunken skulls.

kurozukin_a dressed as George Lucas.

ladyofcarribean dressed as Elizabeth Regina on steroids and roller skates.

larbesta_mlg dressed as a brave desert.

lufjad dressed as Lucy Liu.

meltedpeep dressed as a 1980's yuppie child, and it suited them disturbingly well.

mr_louie dressed as something alternative, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

mumumugen dressed as Mde. Lachienne Foutue d'Enfer -- you don't wanna know.

munashii_sonzai dressed as Josephine Baker but the banana "skirt" didn't survive the night.

ninprime dressed as Sybil - except that Sybil didn't show but the other 39 personalities did.

nittle_grasper dressed as the Vicomte des Boules-Velues, though it looked more like a very fake witch-doctor complete with a collection of shrunken skulls.

nuvolaluz dressed as the King of Federated States of Micronesia, and it suited them all too well.

pansy_lero dressed as a effort.

picseanenigma dressed as a moose, though it looked more like Ivan the Terrible of Russia.

piratelicker dressed as Adam-the-first-man but the fig-leaf was far too big.

primevalsoup dressed as the resurrected dead -- complete with the most convincing coffin.

pyrrhiccomedy dressed as Jack the Ripper in a time machine, complete with gory knives.

rainy_takako dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Dinky Chickenbuns", though it looked more like Chekov from "Star Trek".

rions dressed as a kicker for the Packers.

ruby_dream dressed as Ivan the Terrible of Russia.

rubysp720 dressed as Sigfried in need of testosterone.

runesque didn't dress up, spoilsport.

ryogasmn dressed as a ghost.

sacchii dressed as a shield.

sasarai dressed as Denzel Washington.

scratchbook dressed as Helga the wisewoman, although the live snake was a mistake.

sepsku dressed as a badger.

shiroki_kun dressed as Optimus Prime.

soraryuu dressed as the Duke of Cafchegar.

starstray dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Parliament of the Flute.

stormbringer986 dressed as blues legend Peg Leg Baby McGee.

sukiyakiya dressed as Marie Antoinette going to her death.

taciturndream dressed as a Level 8 barbarian.

tenderonlytoone dressed as Elmer Fudd.

the_small_print dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

thisiscyrene dressed as a bottle of Hudepiunza.

tokiya_ensui dressed as Warren G. Harding.

veresade dressed as a ParkCompany employee.

verseal dressed as Guy Fawkes but the exploding barrel of dynamite didn't go down too well.

youkofujima dressed as a witch.

yuumeichan dressed as Pavlova the ballerina -- dancing on point too.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
Created by sigma7: More info here.

Btw, apparently I dressed as a fake witch with skull at runesque's party and dressed in unknown costume yet adjacent at verseal's party. Wad de hey!

asean, art, meme

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