Arraw arrarraw arraw arraw

Aug 07, 2009 21:03

Before we started, I'd like to announce a happy news that today's happened to be sasarai's birthday!! God bless you darling! I'd have to say that your cats filling posts never fail to entertain me. Keep showering me with cute pics of cats please, I certainly don't mind. If only I could get the real one in my house... *sniff* parents, why do you have to be allergic of fur?
Also happy belated birthday to bobdelilah! Wherever you are baby. I miss your Turkey/Hungary comics, when will you do the sequels? :D

And welcome aboard eyelushtraitor! Though I must say I've been wondering; darimana dikau tau tentang jurnal gw ini?


So I've been uh.....afk. lol

Yea graduation is way over and suddenly shits happened, on which involving crazy cable connection, moving out, viruses (biologically), identity crisis, and family dramas. In fact the dramas are actually so silly I think if my family life is being turned into a sitcom or reality show it would sell well. I still can't get the heck of those 'Kadarshians' shows.

Well shits aside, I found myself rather jobless.........................well, shit.
True, there's some freelance works I've been doing right now but we want to be able to pay bills on time, right? So, most likely I'd be afk again for some times, doing the stable job hunt and stuff you know.
I'm sorry I can't get back at your comments lately T_T I'll try my best to catch up on you guys!

Tolong dong teman-temanku yang punya Paypal account, bisakah anda sekalian menjelaskan padaku seluk beluk tentang nyeti satu ini? T_T Bener-bener bingung deh apa yang harus gw lakukan dengan layanan ini.
Sengaja pake Bahasa Indonesia hehehe, biarlah hanya saudara sebangsaku yang tau tentang kedudulan gw yang satu ini. ;D Jelasinnya kalo bisa pake Bahasa Indonesia juga ya biar gampang diikutinnya. Makasih banyak loh kalo bisa bantuin! m(- -)m Maklum, masih newbie si! haha

question, random, birthday, shit happens

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