Apr 23, 2009 19:38
I'm wirtnig in the sytle of Orge Sepak. It is hrad to teyp fsat but pyas off wehn rloe palniyg. I wnet to Crsaon Ctiy tadoy for an itnrveiw wtih Pro-Dex Artsoermtcis. If wrdos are trehe lretets or lses tehy are serapd the (Editor's Note: this is where teh comes from but teh does not follow the rubrick - but it's also the exception that proves the rule.. maybe) hrroor of bnieg aesubd lkie tihs. Fuor lteter wdros do not hvae it so bad busceae it is olny a mdldie sawp. I souppse it can be veiewd as tnrianig to use sohertr wdros.
I am tllaoty qliuaeifd for tihs job. So taht is good (Editor's Note: good gave way to gewd as a result of the lack of stupidity used in words written as such. Moreso, the 'oo' sound was completely replaced with the object 'ew'. ie: fewd, bewk, cewk.).
I pekcid up my pewor splpuy form Csoran. I am pcyhsed to put it tetghoer (Editor's Note: As of yet, no known concensus has been reached as to the rules for rearranging letters. ie: expertise can translate into epxeriste or esxipietre or etxpesire. The general method for words larger than five letters is to choose combinations in as random a way as possible [Computer Scientist's Note: Should a piece of literature written in Ogre Speak be found to have swapping done in idential ways for entire paragraphs, inquire as to whether or note software was developed to auto translate speech]).
Anariak tells the guild, "The Ogres have taught me much this day. Less is certainly more."