Aug 14, 2004 19:50
phoa! how could i have been so blind! luke had told me there was a boys night out song about curb-stomping soooo long ago, and i've only just realized that it is one of my favorites! or did i already put that together and forget about it only to think that i am a geniOus for discovering it now??
either way is inconsequential seeing as how i am home sweet home right now. bwahahahaaa. two and a half days is simply not enough. i want more. i neeed more :(
i saw a whooole lot of people last night, and then my maeve today, and then off to see more now, and then possibly squeeze in another visit or two tomorrow. grrrrrr. this has not been the summer i wanted it to be. whine whine whine, i know, suck it up jackie, i apologize. i am very grateful for all my lovelies, what would i do without you guys? we'll find out these next two weeks, huh? oh! as it turns out i get a few days off, like possibly two or three? i think the two saturdays and then the sunday before people move in. sadly, no, i don't believe i have the friday of warped tour off, boooooo! but i believe this is all "tentative", so we'll see??
this is the sound of. tooth agaainst bone. against cheering crowds and broookenn homes. this is the end of my roooope. so bite down. tell me how this concrete tastes. and tell me for the last time that you're sooorryyy. so i can. laugh as loud as i watch youuu. struggle; broken, bloody and barely breathing.