Sep 11, 2004 23:51
How could the deaths of 3000 people, not just from one country but many, Ever be seen as funny?
Why do we blame a country, rather than a group or an individual, for faults that are individual?
If I died tomorrow in a nuclear attack that hit every major base in the US, would I be part of some callous, hateful, humorless joke?
I am not Bush. I am not Haliburton. I am not arrogant, ignorant, nor confident of my country's superiority. I do not act on false premise. I do not throw my weight around. I am not fat, I am not stupid, and i am not a slack-jawed rebel.
I am Michael Lawrence. I fight and argue with ignorant, narrow minded people. I fight against the arrogant, the ignorant, and the conservative. I fight bad religion, I fight bad politics, and I fight the norm.
And I am not alone.
There were good people in those buildings, and I could have been one of the ones who never came back out. This is Darfur. This is Auschwitz. This is Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Pearl Harbor, and Madrid. This is a tragedy, a huge loss of life, an atrocity by those who wish to opress through atrition. This is not a joke.
I know what it's like to be judged because of what I look like and where I come from. I know what's it like to be judged not on who I am, what I say, and what I do, but things I have little or no control over. I don't do that. No one should. You should be held accountable only by YOUR actions and who you are, not the actions of others and who they are.
So if you think it's ok to joke about the deaths of people who had nothing to do with what others are doing, then You should be held accountable, and you should be ashamed. If you think it's ok to preach hate, to despise, distrust, and revel in any tragedies that befall millions of people because of the choices a few made, you should be punished. Not your whole country, not 3000 other people who had nothing to do with you, but You.
That was for everyone else. Badillo, this is for you. You Will be judged on an improper joke. You made it. You wrote it. You think it's ok. No one laughed. You'd better realize your fuck up, and you'd better admit it, or I simply cannot be your friend anymore. That's way too far, and way too wrong, and your attitude about it is the worst part. You made a choice when you wrote that. You have another to make now.