Real Life Stuff No One Cares About: Week From Hell

Jul 25, 2012 08:40

It's been one hell of a week, and it's only Wednesday.

So, bright and early Sunday morning, I woke up to learn that my darling baby brother, irresponsible shithead that he is, had managed to crash and total my car on his way home from a party that morning.  Not his car: my car.  The one that, according to Kelly Blue Books, is still worth about $3000 dollars.  I had let him use my car because the transmission on his car was starting to go out and he didn't want to risk it.  According to him, he was driving home from the party, saw a deer, swerved to miss the deer, and ended up in a ditch with my newly ruined vehicle.

So. That sucks.  That sucks a lot, because I don't really have the money lying around to go buy myself a new car, because my job recently changed from full-time to part-time because God hates me.  I've been struggling enough just to pay my bills for the month as it is, and I don't live extravagantly.  It's just hard to do anything when you only work 56 hours for a paycheck every two weeks that you only make $8 an hour for.

Did I mention my $500 dollar a month student loan payments? I didn't?  Well, I have those, too, and I still can't manage to get full-time employment anywhere.

And Sunday I got into a massive fight with my parents.  Because my brother is the youngest, and their precious only baby boy, they often spoil him/let him get away with things they wouldn't let me get away with, and I'm a little sick of the hypocracy.  What really made me blow up was the fact that they had the gall to suggest I buy a new vehicle and pay for everything myself, when, if not for my brother, I would still have a car.  Luckily we've talked it all out, and my brother is going to give me $50 out of every one of his paychecks to put in a savings account so that I can save up to use it as a downpayment on a new vehicle, but it's still exhausting. I don't like fighting with people, but I'm also tired of doing everything I'm supposed to and being punished for my brother's mistakes.

To top everything off, when I got home yesterday afternoon, my computer wouldn't turn on.  At all.  Our power had gone out earlier in the day, and that seems to have shorted something in the power supply.  Luckily, I managed to get it to turn on again after lots and lots of prayer, but then this morning it did the same thing again.  A new power supply is looking to run me about $100 dollars--again, money I don't really have at the moment.

So I'm trying to stay positive and upbeat, because God knows it could always be worse (and probably will be, with the way my luck has been running lately) but it's hard. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you're the praying type, I could use your prayers.  And if your not, then good thoughts are always welcomed as well.

Love you guys,


depression, angry at the world, real life stuff no one cares about

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