2am Night Walk... Good exercise... and aching feet.

Jul 11, 2006 21:19

So, last night was starting out to be a night like any other.. get off work, go hang out with some friends for a while and head home. Well, sadly it didn't turn out that way. On the ride home.. at around 12:30 in the morning, my friend was driving us back to her house, where my car was parked since we just decided to go in one car.
Anyways, about a mile from our destination, we hear this bumping noise outside of the car and the car seemed to be swerving a little bit. It came to our attention moments later that the tire had.. well, been destroyed to put it simply. We drove it to the Exxon, luckily the rims were okay from driving on it with a messed up tire and then we tried to change it with the spare in the trunk...
The lugnuts were on so tightly, even with me and her trying to stand on it, they wouldn't budge... so... seeing as at that time it was about 1:15 in the morning, there was no one we could call to come pick us up... and ... well, we had come to the realization that we were going to have to walk back to where my car was and where she lived. 4.8 miles away.
To put things bluntly.. we walked, got back around 3am.. I drove home.. ached.. and yeah. Can't say I've ever had to walk 5 miles before at one time.. it was... fucking rediculous.
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