Well, other then spending the day loping about like a zombie, crashing into things and trying to clean the house, I appear to have survived the day. Yay me. XD
Well the other day [Reads: Yesterday] I was working at my computer when I caught sight of something out of the corner of my eye. Anyone who's been in my room (the count being my sister, parents, and three friends - Daniel was too scared to come in my room XD) will know that my window looks out into the yard, where a bare-looking tree sits. To the side is an Apple tree, where a Tui usually resides.
Thinking it was the Tui, I looked out, caught sight of a very colourful bird, and looked back to my work. A few seconds later my neck hurt from whiplash as I looked again. Now in New Zealand we don't get very colourful birds. At least not
this colourful. (Any mentions of Pukeko and Takahe are curently being laughed at)
I took that picture and then called my mom to come see. She suggested maybe it was someone's pet that had gotten loose. It was almost half an hour later that two more showed up, to which I replied to my mother: "I don't think it's someone's pet". They were here again today, and the resident Tui doesn't know what to make of them. So he scarpered off to our orange tree XD.
My theory is that they're some kind of Australian parrot that's flown over, possibly from Melbourne since it's currently colder there then here. Dad says they're 'Bloody Big Budgies' and apparently doesn't care. >_>
I was wondering if anyone knew what kind of bird they were, and if they've been spotted in NZ before. (I'm currently in South Auckland, if thats of any goegraphical use)
...yeah... that's all...
G'night E'rybody~