Title: Only a Song half Sung. [drabble]
Fandom: SS501
Pairings: Double YS
Rating: G
Warnings: Slight Angst
Author's Notes: As requested by
renichifreak for my
Drabble Request MeMe I wrote this after a math test, and I'm actually really quite proud of it. I have always loved Double YS, it's so hard to find but I think they have an amazing realtionship, a very sad broken one but an amazing one never the less. I do hope you enjoy it Care Care
Their realtionship was like a song. A duet of sorts, two voices together in unison to create the love, the bliss, the passion that was the art of song. They were twins, in voice, in features, even in personility. The two questioned if they were seperated at birth. Two souls lost in the flow of time, circumstance, and social acceptance.
Young Saeng tapped his mic softly hearing the vibrating sound come back to him. They were getting ready for their performance on music bank, a rare moment where Super Junior and SS501 released an album so close together. He could feel Yesung's eyes on him, he had felt it for a while. It wasn't surprising this was their first chance to even see each other in person for almost a year. He might have turned and met those eyes if the cameras weren't locked on the two. He brushed a hand through his hair and slowly stood, and heard Yesung stand behind him.
"..Like a duet" Yesung whispered to himself, this gaining a glance from Young Saeng. Yesung just gave him nervous smile before looking away.
"Ready Young Saeng?"
"I'd rather ask you that."
The two were quite for a moment but soon enough Yesung broke the silence. "Young Saeng, we should hang out like old times"
"Be careful of what you say..." Young Saeng started as he walked past him. "The cameras are watching."
"As paranoid as ever." Yesung said smiling but grabbed Young Saeng's hand before he could fully walk past him. "After tonight's performances, have a glass of soju with me."
"I have to be in Japan tomorrow morning, I can't."
Young Saeng turned to look at him placing a finger to his lips, gently he leaned down placing his lips to his own finger, which acted as the barrier between fanservice and his true feelings.
"I promise you, Yesung." He started watching the cameras as they turned to record some stupid dance Donghae was doing with Jungmin. "...soon." A gentle kiss was returned to the finger by Yesung but his smile fell as he watched Young Saeng head up to the where the stage entrance was.
They were like a duet, one could sing his heart out but would never be able to finish the song. Without the other to sing beside them, it was never truly complete. Just as they both knew, without each other, they were only a song half sung.